Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology
Gynecologic Clinic
IASO Hospital’s Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Department deals with gynecological problems that may occur from the neonatal period to adolescence and the onset of reproductive age.
Having sensitivity in regard to the tenderness of this age and the fragility of emotions, we apply the most modern methods to approach, diagnose and treat these problems.
In the neonatal period, a girl may show some rare anatomical variations of the external genitalia that cause great concern to the parents. In early childhood, the most common pediatric gynecological problem is vulvovaginitis. Afterwards, it’s precocious puberty and its variations.
The beginning of the menstrual cycle is definitely a milestone in the life of a teenage woman. Late periods as well as uterine bleeding in adolescence are a very common reason for a referral to the Adolescent Gynecology Department. In the adolescent period, the extremely rare developmental defects (congenital anomalies) of the internal genitalia are most commonly revealed. These are issues that require both thorough investigation and diagnostic-therapeutic experience for their correct treatment.
Menstrual disorders are included in the most common gynecological problems of adolescence. Absence of menstruation (amenorrhea), menstrual periods occurring at long intervals (οligomenorrhea) in combination with hirsutism or metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance, may conceal the well-known Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). In IASO’s special Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology department, the treatment is determined by the teenage girl’s needs and the concerns of her parents-guardians. Nutritional disorders, relentless exercise and intense stress are very common causes of the menstrual cycle’s disruption in puberty and a variety of therapists of different specialties are needed to treat them. IASO Hospital’s Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology department has the most suitable associates. However, amenorrhea can also be due to a multitude of other causes, which can be clarified and successfully treated by this special department.
The detection of human papillomavirus-HPV in adolescence is the most stressful finding and very often leads to unnecessary overtreatment. At the IASO Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Department, extensive counseling and guidance are provided, which are based on the safety and reassurance of young women. Choosing the most appropriate method of contraception is an issue that can be discussed with teenage girls, the pros and cons of each method will be presented to them, and then the safest and most appropriate method will be suggested to each one of them.
A frequent question of teenage girls and their parents-guardians, who want to visit this Department, is whether the young woman will undergo a gynecological examination. The answer is that it is usually not necessary, but when it is, appropriate discussion will precede and take place after the adolescent is convinced of the exam’s necessity and safety.
At the IASO Pediatric Adolescent Gynecology Department, the tender age of adolescence is approached with sensibility and the therapeutic suggestions are based on the most modern therapeutic models.
Services Outline
- Anatomy of the genitalia in childhood & adolescence, identification of their differences and assessment of the importance of these variations
- Estrogen-dependent changes in the genitalia, from the neonatal period to the end of puberty
- Female puberty, precocious puberty & its variations, as well as delayed puberty
- Differentiation of genitalia during puberty, including secondary sexual characteristics, physical growth with accelerated height gain, and bone maturation.
- Special pediatric gynecological examination of children and adolescent girls. In which cases a Pap smear, the detection & typing of the human papillomavirus (HPV DNA test) or a colposcopy is necessary. Information, reassurance and avoidance of overtreatment
- Assessment and interpretation of ultrasound findings and MRI results, to investigate pediatric & adolescent gynecological problems
- Evaluation of hormone levels and hormone testing results
- Examination of newborns with ambiguous genitalia
- Pediatric & adolescent vulvovaginitis, dermatological diseases, vaginal foreign body.
- Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) & pelvic inflammatory disease during childhood & adolescence
- Labial adhesion of labia minora. Conservative and rare need for surgical treatment
- Vaginal bleeding in girls during childhood
- Menstrual cycle, physiology and disorders in adolescence
- Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in adolescence
- Primary, secondary amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, investigation and treatment
- Primary, secondary dysmenorrhea, investigation and treatment
- Endometriosis during adolescence, diagnostic particularities and long-term treatment. Which cases require surgical treatment.
- Chronic pelvic pain and gynecological assessment in cases of acute abdomen
- Primary ovarian insufficiency, early diagnosis and referral for egg or ovarian tissue cryopreservation
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hyperandrogenism in adolescent girls
- Injury of external genitalia of girls during childhood & adolescence. Accidental injury and differential diagnosis of sexual abuse.
- Conservative or Laparoscopic treatment of ovarian cysts.
- Tumors of the genitalia and ovaries in girls during childhood & adolescence. Investigation and treatment in collaboration with the gynecological oncology department in cases of malignancies.
- Fertility preservation after gynecological surgery
- Differential diagnosis of vaginal atresia, surgical treatment
- Congenital malformations of the female genital tract (Müllerian duct congenital anomalies, vaginal agenesis, concomitant malformations - congenital anomalies of the urinary and gastrointestinal tract)
- Disorders of sex differentiation with male incomplete masculinization or female masculinization (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Pure or Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis Syndromes)
- Breast disorders during childhood and adolescence (asymmetry, hypoplasia, tubular breasts, etc.)
- Gonadal Dysgenesis (with or without karyotypic anomalies)
- Cosmetic operations of female genitalia (labia minora hypertrophy, clitoromegaly, breast deformities)
- Sexuality & Sex Education of adolescent girls
- Contraception for adolescents
- Infertility & Sterility. Fertility after reconstructive surgery for congenital anomalies of the genital tract
- Adolescent pregnancy, particularities in monitoring & delivery. Prevention of recurrence
- Termination of unwanted pregnancy in adolescence
- Gender identity & expression in adolescence. Hormonal & psychological support of transgender (trans) adolescents