Maternity Clinic
Call center
210 618 4000 In these cases, the safety of the mother and baby is our first priority.
Scheduled or emergency, C-sections at our clinic are performed in our modern operating rooms, which are fully-equipped for immediate and proper treatment of any medical case.
The Operating Rooms where C-sections are performed are located next to the Delivery Rooms, ensuring immediate transfer of the expectant mother from the Delivery Room to the Operating Room in the event of an emergency C-section during natural childbirth.
The qualified Operating Room staff have been trained to perform all C-sections immediately and effectively, ensuring, along with your doctor, the best possible outcome for you and your baby.
During your stay in the recovery room after a C-section, breastfeeding is possible. Our midwives are always by your side to help you with your first breastfeeding immediately after the operation. So a C-section is not an obstacle for your first and immediate contact with your baby!