Maternity Clinic
A unique childbirth experience at IASO!
Backed by their knowledge and experience, the Delivery Room medical and maternity staff advise and support mothers, so they may safely welcome their baby into the world.
The IASO Delivery Room has been fully renovated, with the aim of creating ultra-modern facilities that combine absolute safety at all stages of childbirth, with a touch of luxury, exuding the serenity every mother longs for during this most significant moment in her life.
The presence of qualified midwives and the option of having the father also present create a warm, familiar and stress-free environment that shapes the right conditions for childbirth, with dim lighting, which can be adjusted to the needs and wishes of mothers, and calming music, which relaxes mothers and drives the tension away.
The Delivery Room has 17 fully-equipped and renovated suites, where expectant mothers can be safety monitored, and a room for water births. It also has five fully-equipped Obstetrics Rooms, for natural and interventional childbirth, if the need arises.
The specially designed water birth area offers expectant mothers the chance to be in water and enjoy a fully natural childbirth, without drugs.
In most cases, we apply the birth plan of each expectant mother, just as she had pictured it, with the consent of her obstetrician, ensuring both her and her baby’s safety.
Birth stools, such as pilates balls, are used to help expectant mothers relax and ensure a smooth labor, while also allowing them to move around if that offers relief.
The first two hours after childbirth are very important for creating a bond between the mother and the newborn. IASO considers this very important, providing parents with the options of rooming-in, skin-to-skin contact and immediate breastfeeding.