
inactive offer

A unique offer by the Sleep-related Breathing Disorders Laboratory at IASO Children’s Hospital

Prompted by World Sleep Day, 21 March 2015, IASO Children’s Hospital gives you...

inactive offer
A unique offer by IASO’s Department of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics

A unique offer by IASO’s Department of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics

Prompted by the European Day of Speech and Language Therapy on 6 March 2015, I...

inactive offer
A special offer by IASO Children’s Hospital on epilepsy treatment based on the ketogenic diet

A special offer by IASO Children’s Hospital on epilepsy treatment based on the ketogenic diet

The development of a child suffering from a neurologic condition is affected b...

inactive offer
Maternity - Gynecology

Free Pap test for the whole Cervical Cancer Prevention Week Maroussi, 27/01/2015

Prompted by the Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, IASO General, Obstetrics and ...

inactive offer

A unique offer by the Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Center at IASO Children’s Hospital

IASO Children’s Hospital, acknowledging the fundamental importance of mother a...

inactive offer

Free of charge pediatric check-up on the occasion of the International Day for Children

At IASO Children’s Hospital your children’s health is in the best hands!   Prompted by the International Day for Children (11 December 2014), IASO Childr...