
inactive offer
Maternity - Gynecology

A special offer for our Varicose Veins Laser Treatment Center

The Varicose Veins Laser Treatment Center at IASO offers you a lower extremi...

inactive offer

World diabetes day – a special offer for a visit to the department of pediatric diabetes and pediatric endocrinology at IASO Children’s Hospital

Pediatric-juvenile diabetes mellitus (JDM) is globally diagnosed in more than...

inactive offer

A FREE OF CHARGE screening test & exams on concessionary prices, on the occasion of the World Diabetes Day

Prompted by the World Diabetes Day (Saturday 14 November 2015), IASO General,...

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World childhood obesity day – a unique offer on screening tests

Our little friends have the opportunity to undergo anthropometric measurements...

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World Osteoporosis Day

On the occasion of the World Osteoporosis Day (Tuesday 20 October 2015), IASO ...

inactive offer

Always a step ahead! Complimentary surgeries and examinations at exceptionally special prices on the occasion of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month

IASO Group, in the context of its Social Corporate Responsibility and knowledg...