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The #ProudToBeAMom Competition gives away free pediatric check-ups to celebrate Mother’s Day
Maternity - Gynecology

The #ProudToBeAMom Competition gives away free pediatric check-ups to celebrate Mother’s Day

What does the word ‘mom’ mean to you? Share your experience with us! Prompted by Mother’s Day on 13/5, IASO is holding a competition on Facebook an...

inactive offer

Medical tests on offer to celebrate International Women’s Day

Spreading the message “Value your health! Make preventing a habit!” and pro...

inactive offer
“Anti-stress therapy” on the occasion of International Women's Day
Maternity - Gynecology

“Anti-stress therapy” on the occasion of International Women's Day

Fight anxiety, banish stress from your life! IASO celebrates International Women's Day and offers a unique wellness gift to...

inactive offer

Free of charge diabetes screening test

Prompted by World Diabetes Day (Tuesday 14 November) and in the context of its...

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World Diabetes Day – A Special Offer For A Screening Test

If your child visits the toilet very frequently (especially during the night),...

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Stroke – Comprehensive screening at a special price

To celebrate World Stroke Day (29 October), and in the context of raising the ...