Nutritional Support & Dietetics
Outpatient Department
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “HEALTH” is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
For the preservation of health and the normal function of the body organs, our system must be supplied with the required quantities of energy found in carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins and other nutrients. Nutrients are chemical substances found in foods. When our energy and nutrients intake is sufficient, then we enjoy the optimum nutritional status.
The optimum nutritional status ensures:
- Ideal development (physical, motor, mental, etc) in children
- Normal function of the immune system
- Reduced morbidity and good health
- Improved sports performance
- Improved productivity at work
Reduced risk of developing obesity and diet-related diseases
Diet constitutes a significant factor in the etiology and management of many leading causes of death and morbidity such as atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases, obesity, hypertension,
anemia, osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer (National Vital Statistics Report 2001).
When our system does not receive the sufficient energy and the necessary nutrients for the preservation of the tissue health and organs function then, hypothrepsia
(malnutrition) may develop. Hypothrepsia may also develop in case of overweight or obese individuals.
Obesity and hypothrepsia put the individual at a state of nutritional risk (health problems and insufficiencies) whereas in children,
hypothrepsia can also result in stunted growth.
To treat such conditions, and aiming at the provision of even higher level healthcare service, IASO therapeutic center, one of the largest and most sophisticated therapeutic units, globally
recognized and member of international renowned organizations, established the Department of Nutritional Support & Dietetics to with the aim to provide:
- Nutrition Coaching: The aim of this Department is to provide answers on nutrition issues to any person interested as well as information and education on the principles of a proper and nutritionally sufficient diet, and the development of skills and strategies and brain training in habits and actions required for the improvement of incorrect habits in lifestyle aiming to the achievement of the optimum nutritional status, healthy weight, good health, physical well-being and quality of life in general
- Medical Nutrition Therapy: It includes the nutritional status assessment, the nutritional diagnosis and the provision of specialized nutritional plan and nutritional patient education in order to improve health and nutritionally manage a particular
Our specially trained scientists and dieticians who staff the Department of Nutritional Support & Dietetics at IASO, assisted by the advanced technology high-precision equipment can safely provide:
- Determination of body composition (fat and lean body mass) (BOD POD method), i.e. accurate measurement of the body weight, the fat percentage and the muscle mass.
- Determination of body fluid volume (hydration evaluation) and cell mass.
- Determination of subcutaneous adipocyte size and body fat distribution (very important measurement for the prognosis of atherosclerosis factors)
- Nutritional assessment and nutritional status evaluation.
Among the scopes of the Department of Nutritional Support & Dietetics is the nutritional monitoring and support of:
- Pregnant women requiring: a) normal weight gain combined with a good nutritional status, b) nutritional management of gestation-related unfavorable symptoms and pathological conditions such as obesity, hypertension, etc, and always in cooperation with the attending physician. A mother’s good nutritional status before and during gestation and lactation affects not only her health but also the development and health of her fetus/infant, even for a long time after birth, averting future complications with regard to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obese infancy than can lead to an obese adulthood and/or to and obese mother.
- A mother who, after delivery, aims at the achievement/restoration of weight (fat percentage) and the optimum nutritional status. Numerous scientific studies have shown that the preservation of increased weight after gestation contributes to the development of obesity and is directly associated with the good nutritional status of both the mother and the newborn.
- Women of all ages suffering from conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome, preclimacteric syndrome, menopause, etc, in adolescents as well as adult men and women, thusly covering a wide range of pathological particularities and conditions including lipidemias, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.
- Men, women, adolescents and children suffering from obesity
- Children and adolescents manifesting physical growth disorder
- Individuals with malabsorption problems (e.g. massive intestinal resection)
The Nutritional Support & Dietetics Department of IASO General Clinic, based in Athens, operates by telephone appointment and on an emergency basis, if possible. Call us for more information or view all available Outpatient Departments here.
Contact numbers:
Operating hours:
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday : 09:00 -16:00
- Thursday : 14:30 -20:30