Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
Gynecology Clinic
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2410 996000 IASO Thessalias has two fully equipped laparoscopic surgery operating rooms which are staffed with specialized personnel, so that all laparoscopic operations can be performed safely and with complete success.
Which are the gynecological operations that can be performed via laparoscopy indicatively?
- Ectopic pregnancy treatment
- Removal of ovarian cysts
- Removal of fibroids
- Total or partial hysterectomy
- Diagnosis and treatment of infertility problems
- Endometrosis treatment
- Oncology cases when laparoscopic treatment is indicated
- Urogynecological cases
What is laparoscopic surgery?
Laparoscopy is the technique by which we perform gynecological operations with the use of a micro-camera and very thin special instruments, through minimal skin incisions. The surgeon sees a magnified image of the internal organs in HD 4K resolution, while the technology is facilitating the surgical work even more with the use of a three-dimensional (3D) image. Applications such as the use of ICG and special filters have recently been added to the equipment of IASO Thessalias and they are of the latest technology in laparoscopic surgery internationally.
Benefits of laparoscopy over open surgery?
- The use of a camera and magnification helps for the steps to be performed with absolute precision and with minimal tissue injury
- The risk of complications is reduced due to a better understanding of the anatomy
- The immediate mobilization reduces the risk of thrombosis
- Much less postoperative pain due to the very small skin incisions
- Much better aesthetic result and faster return to daily activities
- The chance of the formation of adhesions and infections inside the abdomen is limited, ensuring fertility in the future
Can all operations be performed laparoscopically?
The correct answer is that almost all of them can be performed via laparoscopy. There are cases where, due to special problems or special technical difficulties, it is in the best interest of the patient for the operation to be performed with the classic open surgical technique. This must be assessed by the treating physician and they must propose the solution they consider best for the patient's health.