IASO Hospital launches its operation.
IASO acquires "IRA" Maternity Hospital.
On 25/05/2000, IASO S.A. is listed in the Main Market of the Athens Stock Exchange.
- The company's stock is included in the Athens Stock Exchange General Index.
- Signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between IASO S.A. and physicians in the region of Thessaly for the establishment, construction and operation of the General and Maternity Clinic in the local area, under the name "IASO Thessalias S.A.".
- Establishment of “IASO PEDIATRICS S.A.” and “IASO SERVICES S.A.”.
- Special tributes were paid to IASO by "BBC World", "New York Times" and others.
Official opening of IASO General Hospital. Also, and for the first time in Greece, the Ethics Committee is established and fully operating within IASO General Hospital premises.
- IASO is chosen as an Official Licensee of Healthcare Services and Hospice and actively supports the national effort for the success of the Olympic Games.
- IASO partners with the Ministry of Health and Welfare for the hospitalization of neonates in the Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit on special prices covered by the insurance funds.
- The construction of IASO General and IASO Children’s hospital is completed.
- Signing of a contract with the National Bank of Greece for the creation of a special IASO credit card.
- “IASO Services S.A.” is renamed to “MEDSTEM SERVICES S.A.”. Its activities include the operation of the cord blood bank “Cryobanks International Services Athens”.
- “IASO Thessalias” Hospital construction works begin.
The Central Laboratories of IASO are accredited according to the International Standard ISO 9001:2000 for Quality Management System and later to the International Standard ISO 9001:2008 by the internationally recognized certification body TÜV HELLAS.
- IASO Group proceeds to significant investments in fully equipping both IASO and IASO General Hospital, amounting to 6 million Euros.
- IASO Group’s stem cells bank, owned by IASO’s subsidiary company “MedStem Services S.A.”, is accredited by AABB (American Association of Blood Banks).
- Signing of contract with INTRAKAT S.A. for the construction of IASO Thessalias Hospital.
- A total of 4 million Euros in funds is invested in new equipment and buildings improvement of already operating units. A total of 29.8 million Euros in funds is invested in new healthcare units (IASO Children’s Hospital, IASO Thessalias)
- Start of operation and official opening of IASO Children’s Hospital.
- IASO proceeds to a total investment of 9.82 million Euros for the establishment of a new ultra modern complex of digital operating rooms.
- The Breast Center is equipped with two digital Mammography Systems with Computer-Assisted Diagnosis (CADx).
- The Department of Imaging acquires a new CT-scanner and a new MRI-scanner (which operated in 2010).
- Accreditation renewal of “IASO Group’s Stem Cells Bank” by AABB (former American Association of Blood Banks).
- The Department of Nuclear Medicine acquires a new dual-head gamma-camera.
- The Department of Radiation Oncology is equipped with a large-bore CT-scanner with special emulation software.
- In collaboration with “National Insurance-Ethniki Asfalistiki”, IASO proceeds to a new insurance scheme under the name “AFFECTION FOR LIFE (STORGI GIA MIA ZOI)” via which every child is offered health insurance cover at IASO Children’s Hospital.
- IASO General completes the investment of funds in medical equipment for the acquisition of a digital Mammography System, a 64-slice CT-scanner, a Stereotactic Biopsy Table and a gamma-camera (which operated in 2010).
- Significant reduction in economy class hospitalization prices corresponding to 20-25%.
- Installation of a Brachytherapy System at IASO’s Radiation Oncology Center (ROC). The system is equipped with a design system facilitating all new treatment techniques.
- ROC is also equipped with a new sophisticated linear accelerator and now the operation of all three linear accelerators is fully supported by the new state-of-the-art treatment simulator.
- The biggest part of IASO’s nursing wards renovation is complete.
- IASO enters into agreement with “National Insurance-Ethniki Asfalistiki” for inpatient hospitalization at IASO Children’s Hospital.
- IASO General invests in new medical equipment (latest technology color ultrasound device featuring breast elastography for the Department of Imaging; posterior hyaloidectomy and phacoemulsification equipment for the Department of Ophthalmology, as well as the 3D-mapping Carto® 3 System for the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory).
- “Medstem Services S.A.” expands its services by storing umbilical cord segment mesenchymal cells.
- “IASO Thessalias”, the new state-of-the-art General, Maternity and Gynecology Clinic begins to operate in Larissa with 213-bed capacity.
- Establishment of the holding company “HOCO S.A.”, where the parent company “IASO” holds 59.6% of the shares, while the remaining shares are held by the physicians-share holders of “FILOKTITIS S.A.” who contributed their shares to “HOCO S.A.”.
- “FILOKTITIS – RECOVERY & REHABILITATION CENTER S.A.” is integrated into the family of “IASO”.
- IASO General creates new offices for the executive and medical staff and renovates all spaces to improve the functionality of the offices.
- Accreditation renewal of “IASO Group’s Stem Cells Bank” by AABB (former American Association of Blood Banks).
- ISO 9001:2008 certification for all Clinics of IASO Group (IASO, IASO General, IASO Children’s Hospital, IASO Thessalias, Filoktitis) by the reputable and internationally recognized certification body TÜV HELLAS (subsidiary of the German TÜV NORD GROUP).
- IASO Thessalias is awarded the HACCP certification for food hygiene and safety.
- IASO General continues the restoration and remodeling of its facilities to improve their functionality. At the same time, IASO General proceeds to investing in new medical equipment with its top purchase, the daVinci® Standard robotic surgical platform.
- All IASO Group’s Clinics enter into a contract with the Greek National Organization for the Provision of Healthcare Services – EOPYY.
- IASO’s Department of Radiation Oncology is renovated.
- Completion of the equipment installation as part of the development process of the Department of Chemotherapy at IASO Thessalias as well as of the Department of Endoscopy with a modern bronchoscope for the performance of bronchoscopies and other examinations.
- IASO Group’s Hospitals enter into agreements with most of the private insurance companies.
- All Hospitals of IASO Group (IASO, IASO Children’s Hospital, IASO General, IASO Thessalias, Filoktitis) are certified by the international Medical Tourism Certification Body TEMOS International, based in Germany.
- At the end of 2013, all the Hospitals of IASO Group are created and officially recommended by the Diplomatic Council in Hague as “Best Hospitals Worldwide 2014”.
- Accreditation renewal of “IASO Group’s Stem Cells Bank” by AABB (former American Association of Blood Banks).
- Apart from IASO Thessalias, HACCP certification is awarded to all the other Clinics of the Group.
- Establishment of a new Pediatric-surgery and Pediatric-cardiology Clinic inside IASO Children’s Hospital.
- IASO General continues the rearrangement and renovation of its main building alongside the redesign and remodeling of the Outpatient Department, the clinics of which, are now accommodated in an open-plan space for the patients’ convenience and service.
- Also, it proceeds to the purchase of furniture, mechanical and other equipment for the improvement of the Hospital’s operation and it continues to invest in new medical equipment such as the purchase of the Ortho whole-body system for spine and lower extremities imaging studies.
- In September 2013, and to cover the needs of the Medical Imaging Department due to the increased inpatient admissions, IASO Thessalias bought the GE LOGIQ S8 ultrasound imaging system, manufactured in 2013, to allow for the optimal diagnostic reliability and faster patient service.
- IASO Thessalias accommodates a Chronic Pain Management Unit, a modern multidisciplinary treatment unit for patients with chronic and painful syndromes.
- Further developed IASO Thessalias’s Outpatient Department offers new special services and long-term cooperations with physicians.
- IMS starts its activities and provides procurement, medical expendables and durable medical equipment transfer and storage services for all IASO Group’s Hospitals.
- At the end of 2014, as at the end of 2013, all Hospitals of IASO Group are proclaimed and officially recommended anew by the Diplomatic Council in Hague as “Best Hospitals Worldwide 2015”.
- IASO receives a Social Responsibility Excellence Award at XRIMA 2014 Business Awards.
- A new suite is created on the 7th Maternity Floor of IASO.
- Major investments are in progress by IASO, such as the development of the Department of Radiation Oncology, the construction of a new state-of-the-art Assisted Reproduction Center (IVF).
- Continuing upgrade of IASO and IASO Children’s Hospital facilities.
- IASO Children’s Hospital: New and more functional spaces are constructed to accommodate the Emergencies Department and 26 new Outpatient Clinics to better serve our young patients. Also, a new Department of Rhinology and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery is established.
- Investments in medical equipment:
- IASO: Replacement of the imaging device with a new ultra modern digital one – Siemens Luminos FD.
- IASO: Purchase of new anesthesia machines for the Operating Rooms – HEINEN LOWESTEIN Leon Plus.
- IASO: Purchase of new General Electric anesthesia monitors and a new Samsung portable ultrasound device for the angiology office to cover all vascular cases.
- IASO Children’s Hospital: New high-end Electroencephalography machine and upgrade of the digital cardiac catheterization system & ultrasound computed tomograph for the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory.
- IASO Thessalias: Johnson & Johnson STERRAD® 100S plasma sterilizer for the Department of Sterilization and a TEKNO MEDICAL 3CCD Full HD Laparoscopic Camera for laparoscopic – urologic – hysteroscopic – ENT procedures.
- Establishment of a new independent Ophthalmology Center at IASO Thessalias, with ultra-modern ophthalmology operating rooms and a spacious waiting room for easier access of the patients, faster management of all cases and decongestion of the rest operating rooms.
- IASO Thessalias starts the operation of Ward B on the 3rd floor for the hospitalization of all internal medicine patients.
- Further development of IASO Thessalias Outpatient Department with new specialties and long-term cooperations with physicians.
- IASO General enforces its Outpatient Department by establishing new specialist offices, staffed by reputable physicians.
- IASO General: the main building renovation continues and relocation of all Outpatient Clinics into an open-plan space is complete.
- IASO Group wins a Corporate Social Responsibility award at the 2015 CHRIMA Business Awards.
- IASO: Extension of contract with Ethniki Insurance.
- IASO Children’s Hospital: Partnership with INTERAMERICAN.
- IASO Children’s Hospital: Partnership with the NGO for Special Care and Protection of the Mother and the Child "Ark of the World".
- IASO: Establishment of a new Assisted Reproduction Center (IVF) "Institute of Life- IASO” with state-of-the-art medical equipment.
- IASO: Establishment of a new Cytology Laboratory with modern technology equipment.
- IASO Children’s Hospital: Renovation and Continuous Upgrade of the 4th ward.
- Filoktitis: Distinction of the Filoktitis-Recovery and Rehabilitation Center at the Event of Business Excellence “Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2015-The Most Admired Enterprises in Greece”.
- In the beginning of 2015, all IASO Clinics (IASO, IASO Children’s Hospital, IASO General, IASO Thessalias, Filoktitis) were re-certified during the annual inspection by the International Organization for Medical Tourism Certification TEMOS International.
- At the end of 2015, the recertification of all the clinics of the Group (IASO, IASO Children’s Hospital, IASO General, IASO Thessalias, Filoktitis) according to ISO 9001: 2008 and IASO Thessalias according to HACCP is complete, again by the reputable and internationally recognized Certification Body TÜV Hellas (subsidiary of the TÜV Nord Certification Body in Germany). The recertification of all the Group's Clinics confirmed not only the high level of healthcare services, but also rewarded the continuous effort of IASO Group for Quality.
- At the end of 2015, IASO’s Medically Assisted Reproduction Unit (MARU) “Institute of Life” was certified by the international medical tourism organization TEMOS International, according to its standards), confirming the high level of services provided, the infrastructure and the medical and scientific staff of the Unit. “Institute of Life- IASO” became the first Medically Assisted Reproduction Unit in Greece certified by TEMOS in the field of Assisted Reproduction.
- At the end of 2015, the Diplomatic Council renewed the distinction of the IASO Group’s Clinics and announced them and recommends them for 2016 as "Preferred Partner Hospital 2016", emphasizing its preference in the Clinics of the Group.
- Renewed accreditation of the stem cell bank "IASO Group’s Stem Cells Bank" by AABB (formerly American Association of Blood Banks).
- IASO General: New 24-hour Acute Stroke Unit.
- IASO General: Upgrading and remodeling of clinics such as Outpatient Clinics and Pathology Laboratory.
- IASO Thessalias: Launch of construction works for the building of the facilities of the Department of Radiation Oncology. The project is anticipated to be completed in April 2016.
- Investments in medical equipment:
- IASO: Replacement of the Surgical Delivery Suite Monitor - GE Healthcare.
- IASO: Supply of eight new anesthesia machines for the Operating Rooms - GE DatexOhmed
- IASO: Procurement of nine SLE neonatal ventilators for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- IASO: Upgrading the therapy planning system with Philips PinnaclePro.
- IASO: Purchase of nine neonatal SLE inhalers for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- IASO: Purchase of new GE Voluson E8 ultrasound machine for the Department of Ultrasounds.
- IASO Children’s Hospital: Purchase of new monitor for the MRI Department.
- IASO General: Purchase of the modern telemetric patient monitoring system ApexPro GE Healthcare, and of the leading fluoroscopic digital assembly Philips Veradius, a C-ARM-type digital high resolution probe and 15 kW power generator, suitable for vascular surgeries & Tavi, and of Bow Frame & Four Post Frame of Allen Medical for spine surgery.
- IASO General: Upgrading and renewal of existing medical equipment such as monitors to replace cardiac parameters and capnography/spirometry monitors with the new type B450 GE Healthcare as well as to replace the digital radiography systems with the new type CR30-X of Agfa.
- IASO Thessalias: Purchase of an endoscopic tower for ERCP procedures.
- IASO Thessalias: Purchase of a cranial perforator; a piece of equipment necessary for neurosurgical procedures.
- IASO Group: Partnership agreement with MetLife, AXA and ATE Insurance.
- Partnership of IASO Group with the Hellenic Olympians Association.
- IASO celebrates its 20 years of operation.
- IASO receives the 2nd Business Award for "Recovering Results" at the 2016 CHRIMA Business Awards.
- IASO General: Partnership with Interamerican.
- In mid-2016, all IASO Clinics (IASO, IASO Children’s Hospital, IASO General, IASO Thessalias, Filoktitis) were re-certified during the three-year re-certification cycle by the International Medical Tourism Certification Body TEMOS International, again confirming the high level of services and their state-of-the-art infrastructure following an inspection carried out by a team of international inspectors of the Certification Body.
- At the end of 2016, the Certification of all Clinics of the Group with the new International Standard ISO 9001: 2015, by the Certification Body TÜV Hellas (TÜV Nord) is also completed. Following the previous ISO9001: 2008 certification, the new ISO 9001: 2015 standard emphasizes on the quality of care patients should receive and confirms the high level of services provided in accordance with the quality management systems that IASO Group applies to all its clinics, as well as the continuous effort of IASO Group for quality.
- At the end of 2016, the Medically Assisted Reproduction Unit (IVF) Institute of Life-IASO was re-certified during the annual inspection by TEMOS International Medical Tourism Certification Body.
- At the end of 2016, the Medically Assisted Reproduction Units of IASO (Institute of Life) and IASO Thessalias were certified by the TÜV Hellas Certification Body (TUV Nord) to the new Standard EN 15224: 2012, which focuses on health, emphasizing on the quality of care that patients should receive. The Clinics of IASO Group and IASO Thessalias are among the first Clinics in Greece to receive this certification, which is also provided for in the legal framework (PD 10/2016, MD 6901/2015), for the Assisted Reproduction Units and Associated Cryopreservation Banks. It is pointed out that this certification, together with the relevant inspection by TÜV Hellas carried out in 2016, is based on the aforementioned legislation also for the licensing of IVF Units. This certification confirms the high level of the services of the Group’s IVF Units, and it is considered quite significant as it is specialized in healthcare and constitutes a valuable tool for the continuous improvement of the services provided.
- In mid-2016, the Diplomatic Council renewed the distinction of the IASO Group’s Clinics and announced and recommended them anew for 2016-2017 as "Preferred Partner Hospital 2016-2017", highlighting its preference in the Clinics of the Group.
- IASO: Total renovation and two new linear accelerators for the Radiation Oncology Center, which make it the largest in Greece.
- IASO: Upgrading of the Department of Cardiology by adding new services.
- IASO Children’s hospital: The Pediatric Sector is expanded with the establishment of the 1st and 2nd Departments of Pediatrics.
- IASO General: Establishment of the Check-up Department, creation of screening packages, and Staffing by a General Practitioner and Secretariat.
- IASO General: The upgrading and remodeling of the Clinic's premises (such as a new Outpatient Lounge, integration of the Admissions and Announcements Office, creation of special spaces for the personal service of patients, new Offices for the Physicians, cafeteria) continues.
- IASO General: Gathering of all necessary check-up services/departments at the Outpatient Department, on the ground floor of the main building (Blood sampling, PAP smear, Cardiology, ENT, Ophthalmology, X-rays).
- IASO General: Commencement of construction works for the expansion of the Dialysis Unit.
- IASO Thessalias: Construction of a 1,150 m2 building and launch of a new Radiation Oncology Center for the complete coverage of cancer patients with modern radiotherapy applications.
- IASO Thessalias: Separation and configuration of the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.
- IASO Thessalias: Cardiac Ward configuration.
- IASO Thessalias: Configuration and equipping of a Cardiac High Dependency Unit on the 2nd floor.
- IASO Thessalias: Configuration of training rooms for educational needs.
- Investments in medical equipment:
- At IASO and IASO Children’s Hospital, the investment in new medical equipment exceeds 3 million Euros.
- IASO: Purchase of new Patient Monitors for the Post Anesthesia Care Unit - GE Healthcare.
- IASO: Purchase of a new state-of-the-art modern ultrasound with innovative Fusion & Navigation technology - Philips.
- IASO: Installation of the 4th Linear Accelerator - VARIAN Trilogy.
- IASO: Linear accelerator replacement with the new state-of-the-art ELEKTA VERSA HD to cover all modern radiotherapy techniques (IMRT-VMAT/STEREOTAXY), dramatically reducing the treatment time to two minutes.
- IASO: Upgrading the patient radiotherapy plan recording and archiving system to the latest version of ELEKTA MOSAIQ.
- IASO: Supply of new measuring instruments for the Department of Medical Physics of the Radiation Oncology Center for more precise setting and safe operation of the Linear Accelerators.
- IASO: Purchase of new ultrasounds for the Breast Center, the IVF Unit “Institute of Life-IASO” and the Operating Rooms.
- IASO: Supply of new equipment for the Cytology and Pathology Laboratory.
- IASO: Upgrading of the entire Central Laboratories’ equipment with the latest generation automated analyzers - Siemens.
- IASO Children’s Hospital: Purchase of a new analyzer for the rapid and accurate diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis.
- IASO Children’s Hospital: Purchase of a new ultrasound machine for cardiac screening - Philips.
- IASO General: Purchase of a new Full High Definition Endoscopic tower and Endoscopic washing machine for the Department of Gastroenterology.
- IASO General: Purchase of a new 16-slice CT scan and ultrasound scanner of the latest digital technology with Shearwave Elastographic Imaging by Siemens for the Department of Medical Imaging.
- IASO General: The Cardiac Laboratory has a new Siemens ultrasonograph with Syngo SC2000 Workplace, featuring Full Volume imaging (4D-real time 3D) and Holter General Electric recorder.
- IASO General: Upgrading of the existing medical equipment of the Intensive Care Unit with a Siemens echocardiography machine, with a transthoracic and transesophageal head and a B/Braun drug injection pumps.
- IASO Thessalias: Purchase of a new Varian Medical Systems Trilogy linear accelerator, a leading American manufacturer, and of an ultramodern simulator, Siemens CT Simulator, for the Radiation Oncology Center.
- IASO Thessalias: Installation of a modern Siemens Hemodynamic Assembly.
- IASO Thessalias: Purchase of new Siemens Analyzers for the Central Laboratories.
- IASO Thessalias: Purchase of new state-of-the-art equipment for the Medically Assisted Reproduction Unit in December 2016.
- IASO: Gradual upgrading of the medical equipment for the Delivery Room is under way.
- IASO: Expansion of the Department of Radiology with new digital imaging systems.
Other major investments in progress:
- IASO Group: Certification to the new International Standard ISO9001: 2015 by TÜV HELLAS.
- IASO Group: In the new digital age, IASO Group is dynamically entering the market, choosing COSMOTE e-health solutions: next to patients with faster service and information security.
- IASO Group - OTE Group: Bronze Award at the 2017 Healthcare Business Awards, in the category "Digital Applications for Management/Support of Healthcare Units".
- IASO Group receives the 2nd Corporate Social Responsibility Award at the 2017 CHRIMA Business Awards.
- IASO - IASO Children’s Hospital: Strategic Partnership with the European University Cyprus
- IASO: partnership with the "ORAMA ELPIDAS" Association and establishment ogf the Bone Marrow Donor Volunteer Registration Center
- IASO, IASO Children’s Hospital, IASO General: Partnership with Allianz
- IASO: the IASO Breast Center becomes a member of the Breast Centers Network
- IASO Children’s Hospital: New modern GELOGIQ E9ultrasound machine, which covers the entire range of examinations in the Department of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology
- IASO General: Works on upgrading and remodeling of the Clinic's premises (such as Integration of the Department of Endoscopy with the Secretariat, New Breast Clinic, new offices for the physicians) continue.
- IASO General: upgrading and expansion of the Dialysis Unit to new premises in a specially designed ward, purchase of new state-of-the-art medical equipment and renovation of the existing infrastructure
- IASO General: reorganization of the Cardiac Laboratory (remodeling of the premises, new equipment)
- IASO General: Upgrading of the Medical Devices in the Central Laboratories
- IASO General: Upgrading of the services provided at the suites, lux & single rooms
- IASO General: Ongoing establishment of new Departments/Clinics with specialized services (such as Gynecology Clinic, Pathological-Infectious Diseases Clinic, Endoscopic and Bariatric Surgery Clinic, Gastroenterology Clinic of Interventional Endoscopy)
- During the annual inspections for the Certification of IASO Group’s Clinics (IASO, IASO Children’s Hospital, IASO General, IASO Thessalias, Filoktitis) according to the ISO9001: 2015 standards by the TÜV Hellas Certification Body (TÜV Nord) and TEMOS by the TEMOS International Certification Body , the high level of services provided was confirmed once again.
- Similarly, during the annual inspections for the Certification of the Medically Assisted Reproduction (IVF) Units of IASO (Institute of Life) and IASO Thessalias according to EN 15224: 2012 and TEMOS for IASO’s IVF Unit (Institute of Life), the continuous effort of IASO Group for Quality Assurance was awarded anew. It is pointed out that these certifications focus on health and emphasize the quality of care patients should receive, while the Certification according to Standard EN15224 is provided for in the legal framework for the licensing of IVF Units.
- In mid-2017, the Diplomatic Council renewed the IASO Group’s Clinics’ distinction again and recommended them for 2017-2018 as "Preferred Partner Hospital 2017-2018", emphasizing its preference in the Clinics of the Group.
- In September 2017, the relevant certificate of the Stem Cells Bank of Medstem Services S.A. was renewed, as it operates by AABB accreditation.
- IASO Group: Certified once again by TÜV Hellas according to international ISO 9001:2015 standards, and annual inspection of its Certifications by TEMOS International Certification Body. The Medically Assisted Reproduction (IVF) Units of IASO (Institute of Life) and IASO Thessalias, as well as Filoktitis, were recertified according to the new EN 15224:2016 (ELOT ΕΝ 15224:2017) Standard following the EN 15224:2012 Standard by TÜV Hellas.
- In mid-2018, the Diplomatic Council renewed the IASO Group’s Clinics’ distinction again and recommended them for 2018-2019 as "Preferred Partner Hospital 2018-2019", highlighting yet again its preference for the Group’s Clinics.
- At the end of 2018, IASO’s Medically Assisted Reproduction (IVF) Unit “Institute of Life” was re-certified during the three-year re-certification cycle of the "Quality in International Patient Care" Standard from 2015, by the Certification Body TEMOS International.
- “By your side”, IASO Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility program, was awarded the 1st Award in Corporate Social Responsibility at the 2018 HRIMA Business Awards.
- IASO received the 2018 “SALUS INDEX AWARDS” Business Excellence Award for being one of the healthiest growing healthcare companies. In addition, IASO received an award for its significant Corporate Responsibility Program.
- IASO Children’s Hospital, in partnership with Bold Ogilvy & Mather, received the Silver ERMIS award for its advertisement “For 10 years now, you rest assured!”
- IASO expanded its Breast Center.
- The new Department of Physiotherapy at IASO is now complete and fully operative.
- IASO Children’s Hospital: New Service - Child and Adolescent Development Unit
- IASO: € 1.353 million invested for the restructuring of operating units in the existing buildings (new breast center, labor suites remodeling, intensive care unit, physiotherapy room, and design of new MRI Department) and other improvement projects in the two buildings.
- IASO: € 1.659 million for the purchase of biomedical (new MRI equipment, new U/S scanners, anesthesiology machines, and other medical equipment) as well as mechanical equipment to improve the operation of the Clinic.
- € 340,000 for the purchase of furniture and other equipment both for the new breast center and other departments, with the aim of improving the operation of the Maternity and Gynecology Clinic and upgrading the Hospital.
- IASO establishes the largest Breast Center in Greece. The investment exceeded €1.5 million.
- In mid-2019, the IASO Group hospitals (IASO, IASO Children’s Hospital and IASO Thessalias) renewed their Quality in International Patient Care accreditation by TEMOS, the International Medical Tourism Accreditation body, for another three years, following their accreditation in 2013 and 2016. Since late 2018 / early 2019, TEMOS International has been developing Medical Tourism accreditation systems rather than certification systems. IASO, IASO Children’s Hospital and IASO Thessalias were among the first hospitals in Greece to receive this accreditation.
- In mid-2019, the Diplomatic Council renewed the distinction of the IASO Group hospitals and now recommends them as “Preferred Partner Hospital 2019-2020”, highlighting yet again its preference for the Group hospitals.
- IASO Group: Gold award at the Healthcare Business Awards 2019 for the comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility program, “By your side”.
- The IASO Group received the Business Excellence Award at the Salus Index Awards 2019 for its sophisticated and state-of-the-art equipment, as well as its concerted actions regarding Corporate Social Responsibility issues.
- IASO received the Silver award in the growth category at the Healthcare Business Awards 2019 for its “No. 1 Services in Greece”. The Maternity and Gynecology Clinic, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the Breast Center and the Radiation Oncology Center are the largest ones in Greece, keeping the level of healthcare services high and trying to treat a huge volume of cases effectively.
- IASO received the Bronze award at the Healthcare Business Awards 2019 for its valuable contribution to society.
- IASO Children’s Hospital received the Bronze award in innovation at the Healthcare Business Awards 2019 for its Orthopedic Center.
- IASO Thessalias received an operating license for a Pacemaker Center.
- The amount of € 1.288 million was spent for the redesign of operating units within the current facilities (new breast center, renovation of delivery rooms, ICU, physiotherapy room, MRI area, chapel) and other improvement works in both buildings.
- The amount of € 1.967 million was spent for biomedical (new MRI scanner, new CT scanners, anesthesiology equipment, neonatal ventilators and other medical devices and instruments) and mechanical equipment, to improve the operation of the Hospital.
- The amount of € 0.226 million was invested to improve the operation of the Maternity - Gynecology Clinic and upgrade the operation of IASO Children’s Hospital, with the purchase of furniture and other equipment for the new Breast Center and other departments.
- IASO Thessalias invested €287,000 for the purchase of biomedical, mechanical and other hospital and accommodation equipment.
- Filoktitis Recovery & Rehabilitation Center invested €4,000 for the purchase of new medical, hospital and accommodation equipment.
Investments in medical equipment:
- IASO installed the most advanced 3 Tesla MRI scanner, the Magnetom Vida. It is the first 3 Tesla MRI scanner with BioMatrix Technology for personalized imaging, producing excellent results for every patient, irrespective of their anatomy and physiology. In addition, it is the only system with 228 channels and BioMatrix coil technology.
- IASO Thessalias: advanced Holmium lithotripsy laser system by Quanta, the Litho 35W, with a maximum power output of 35 watts, suitable for lithotripsy, general surgery, urethrotomy, transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP), excision of bladder tumors.
- IASO Thessalias: new state-of-the-art 4K UHD endoscopy tower with 31” monitor. It offers a range of colors, high-definition imaging and large magnification.
- IASO Thessalias: replacement of all dialysis devices with new ultra-modern equipment for the Dialysis Unit.
- IASO establishes the largest Breast Center in Greece. The investment exceeded €1.5 million.
- IASO Children’s Hospital presents the internationally renowned Professor Afksendiyos Kalangos, Director of the Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic of IASO Children’s Hospital
- IASO Thessalias: Prof. Ioannis Fezoulidis takes over as Director of the Medical Imaging Department of IASO Thessalias
- IASO offers Free Breast Surgeries to Vulnerable Groups
- IASO provided 70 beds to FILOKTITIS and fully equipped two High Dependency Unit (HDU) places
- Filoktitis: Establishment of a post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Unit
- IASO offers Free Thyroid Surgeries & free medical consultations
- IASO presents the 2019 Financial Results
- IASO Children’s Hospital: Realization of pioneering successful surgery, implantation of pulmonary valve in a 12-year-old heart patient, without open-heart surgery, for the first time through the jugular vein, both in Greece and Europe
- Institute of Life- IASO: Fourth baby born in 14 months using the Maternal Spindle Transfer method as part of a pilot study conducted by the scientific team of Institute of Life-IASO and Embryotools
- IASO Group: Contract with EDOEAP Fund (Unified Subsidiary Social Security and Welfare Press Organization) and the Fund for the employees in Mass Media (journalists, technicians, administrative employees etc.)
- IASO Group presents profits of €3.5 million, despite rebate and clawback provisions and reduction of borrowing, smooth investment implementation and high cash reserves
- IASO Group: Beginning of collaboration with the mission “ANTHROPOS” for the coverage of the needs of six senior citizen non-profit care facilities
- IASO Children’s Hospital: Comprehensive treatment of tracheal stenosis by the most specialized medical team
- Institute of Life-IASO: Excellence and innovation in Certified Clinical Results for Institute of Life-IASO IVF Unit – A European First
- IASO: Creation of the “Home Fit Home” Online Pilates program, for expectant and new mothers
- IASO Thessalias: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics, Cardiology, Neurosurgery, ENT, Vascular Surgery, Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery & Microsurgery Clinics were established
- IASO Thessalias: Donation of home appliances to the Social Service of the Municipality of Karditsa to equip the residences of flood victims from the deadly Cyclone “IANOS”
- IASO Thessalias supported the national fight against COVID-19 by actively participating in the planning of the 5th Sanitary District (ΥPE) with the provision of both basic and ICU beds
- IASO: Silver award at the 2020 Hellenic Responsible Business Awards
- Institute of Life-IASO received an Innovation and Technological Development award at the 2020 Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) awards for its pioneering clinical study of Maternal Spindle Transfer
- IASO Children’s Hospital presents the only Pediatric clinic in Greece with distinctions, it received a total of four awards at the Ermis Awards, alongside Ogilvy
- IASO was awarded as the Best Hospital and additionally received 7 Top Distinctions at the 2020 Healthcare Business Awards
- Institute of Life-IASO collaborates with the leading Embryologist Dr. Jacques Cohen for the implementation of Artificial Intelligence systems
- IASO continues to offer Free Breast Surgeries to Vulnerable Groups in 2021
- IASO announces the accreditation of the Biopathology Laboratories for Molecular Diagnostics confirms once again the high level of the provided services
- IASO General Clinic presents gastric Botox, a modern, non-invasive method for weight loss with immediate results by the 2nd Gastroenterology-Hepatology Clinic
- IASO General Clinic – IASO Children’s Hospital: Free hearing tests for both children and adults
- IASO announces that the Molecular Diagnosis Lab within the IASO Central Laboratories has been accredited by the National Accreditation System (ESYD) to ISO 15189:2012
- IASO General Clinic announces free thyroid ultrasounds, examinations by an Endocrinologist and examination packages at an especially preferential price on the occasion of World Thyroid Day
- IASO adopts the “Ark of the World”
- IASO: Creation of an innovative scientific & educational program in collaboration with the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University Hospital “Aretaieio”
- IASO Children’s Hospital: Reference Center for Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatment for children with cerebral palsy (SPML)
- Institute of Life-IASO breaks new ground with the birth of the first two children in Greece through the application of Artificial Intelligence technologies
- IASO: Presents the creation of Celia Kritharioti exclusively for IASO’s 25th anniversary
- Institute of Life-IASO: Celebrating the 6 Years of operation of INSTITUTE OF LIFE “Embracing the Future” - Anniversary Event of the Leading Assisted Reproduction Unit
- IASO – IASO General Clinic: The new 8th hospitalization floor "New Luxury Wing" with the best facilities in Greece was inaugurated. New highly aesthetic hospitalization facilities were created, marking a new era of medical care and accommodation for Greece
- IASO commences the collaboration with the award-winning, two-Michelin-star chefs, Georgianna Hiliadaki and Nikos Roussos, paving the way by introducing the Exclusive Menu
- IASO Thessalias: The opening of departments/clinics is announced: Rheumatology, Maxillofacial, Oral Surgery, Nephrology, Orthopedics Clinic, Reconstructive Surgery of Large Joints & Spine and the 1st Pulmonology Clinic.
- IASO Thessalias announces the donation of 2 residences to the earthquake victims of Elassona
- IASO Thessalias adopts the Municipal Nursing Home of Larissa
- IASO Thessalias: The scientific collaboration between the 1st Surgical Clinic of IASO Thessalias and the Proctology Unit Degli Ospedali Privati Forli of Italy is announced.
Investments in medical technological equipment:- IASO General Clinic: Establishment of the State-of-the-art Endoscopy Unit with cutting-edge medical equipment and Artificial Intelligence software for the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal and pulmonary conditions
- IASO General Clinic: Hybrid Scientific One-Day Conference of the Thyroid Surgery Department on the topic "Thyroid Cancer Treatment: A Modern Approach"
- IASO: For the first time in Greece, an Embryology laboratory can monitor the development of ALL embryos around the clock, using latest generation time-lapse Embryoscopes
- IASO General Clinic-IASO Children’s Hospital: State-of-the-Art StealthStation S8 neuronavigation system with real-time 3D imaging
- IASO General Clinic: The first state-of-the-art, fully digital Operating Room with Modular Wall System in Greece
- IASO General Clinic: Radiation therapy of millimeter accuracy with the new Elekta Versa HD™ Linear Accelerator at the Radiation Oncology Center (ROC), for stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) / radiation therapy applications
- IASO received an award and a distinction at the 2021 Bravo Sustainability Awards
- IASO received three awards at the 2021 Hellenic Responsible Business Awards
- IASO - IASO Children’s Hospital received seven awards at the Content Marketing Awards 2021
- IASO pioneered in Digital Marketing with two Indie Awards for the “Home Fit Home” program
- IASO and WWF Greece: Strategic Partnership in order to ensure a healthy planet for future generations
- Institute of Life – IASO: A-Grade Accreditation for Quality in Reproductive Care by Temos
- IASO General Clinic: Women’s Day at IASO: We are celebrating and offering 50 full body health Check Ups
- IASO: Establishment of the first Specialized Center for Placenta Accreta Spectrum Cases in Greece
- IASO: Belly Painting at IASO for Mother’s Day, alongside MAC Cosmetics
- IASO: Announcement of 10 free-of-charge childbirths from the leading Maternity & Gynecology Clinic in Europe
- IASO & 2nd Obstetrics - Gynecology Clinic of "Aretaieio": 7th Educational Seminar on Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy
- IASO: TEMOS Reaccreditation of the Group's Clinics, IASO and IASO Children’s Hospital, IASO Thessalias, for Quality in Medical Care
- IASO: Scientific Seminar on the topic "Sexuality: The new reality"
- IASO: Organization of a One-Day Conference on the topic "Epidemics - Pandemics that shook humanity”
- IASO General Clinic: At the forefront of advances with the Conference "Epidemics - Pandemics that shook humanity”
- IASO General Clinic and Μovember Movement: Check-up packages for men, in exclusive prices!
- IASO General Clinic: Free-of-Charge Surgeries for the treatment of Morbid Obesity by the 2nd Surgery Clinic - Laparoscopic Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Unit
- IASO General Clinic: Innovative Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation by using Pulsed Field Ablation
- IASO Children’s Hospital: Beginning of Collaboration with the 3rd Pediatric Clinic of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, General University Hospital "Attikon"
- IASO Children’s Hospital: The only Private Pediatric Clinic to win a Gold award under the standards of the Child-Friendly Healthcare Initiative
- IASO Thessalias: Opening of the Breast Center of IASO Thessalias.
- IASO Thessalias: Establishment of the 1st Gastroenterology Clinic and Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) Department.
- IASO Thessalias: Beginning of operation of the new Osteoporosis Clinic
- IASO Thessalias: Opening of Check-Up department
- IASO Thessalias: Brand new and modern Website of IASO Thessalias
- IASO Thessalias: Establishment of Colposcopy and Gynecologic Oncology Departments
- IASO Thessalias: Participation of the Breast Center of IASO Thessalias in the National program "Fofi Gennimata", for the Prevention of Breast Cancer
- IASO Thessalias: Establishment of the Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) Surgery Department
- IASO Thessalias: Strategic partnership with EuroGenetica, an innovative Genetic Material Analysis Unit
Investments in medical technological equipment:- IASO General Clinic: A new era in the field of surgery with the Da Vinci Xi robotic system, for surgeries with millimeter accuracy
- IASO: Artificial Intelligence Mammography Systems & Stereotactic Biopsy
- IASO: IASO broke new ground in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer with the use of Artificial Intelligence Mammography Systems & Stereotactic Biopsy
- IASO General Clinic: State-of-the-art, fully digital operating rooms
- IASO: Gold for IASO and two more awards at the Influencer Marketing Awards
- IASO and WWF Greece: Distinction at the 2022 Bravo Sustainability Dialogues & Awards
- IASO: The only healthcare Group to be awarded at the 2022 Hellenic Responsible Business Awards
- IASO: Best Hospital and the only Group to win 16 awards at the 2022 Healthcare Business Awards
- IASO: Gold award for IASO at the 2021 Influencer Marketing Awards, for the Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign