Robotic Knee Arthroplasty for the first time at the University Clinic of Skopjeby the 1st Orthopedics – Robotic Surgery Clinic of IASO Thessalias

For the first time, the first 3 knee arthroplasties with the CORI Robotic system at the University Clinic of Traumatology, Orthopedic Disorders, Anesthesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care and Emergencies (Mother Teresa) in Skopje were performed with great success, by Messrs. Konstantinos G. Makridis and Miltiadis T. Georgousis, Directors of the 1st Orthopedics – Robotic Surgery Clinic of IASO Thessalias.
The event constituted significant news for the neighboring country, as it was followed by a long interview in the presence of the Minister of Health, Mr. Fatmir Mexhiti, who praised the contribution of the 2 Greek Orthopedic Surgeons for the promotion of the most advanced surgical techniques of Robotics, inaugurating a new era in the country.
This project is a continuation of the Visiting Surgeon Programs (VSP) that have been carried out consistently in recent years at IASO Thessalias, by the Directors of the 1st Orthopedics – Robotic Surgery Clinic, and which host internationally renowned Orthopedic Surgeons who wish to be introduced to Robotic Surgery.
IASO Thessalias is now, indisputably, a center of reference in Robotic Surgery of the Musculoskeletal system, since it is the only nursing institution in the broader area of Central Greece that has a Robotic device. The surgeries are performed exclusively by Mr. Konstantinos G. Makridis and Miltiadis T. Georgousis, offering the healthcare services highest quality to the hospital’s patients.
The event constituted significant news for the neighboring country, as it was followed by a long interview in the presence of the Minister of Health, Mr. Fatmir Mexhiti, who praised the contribution of the 2 Greek Orthopedic Surgeons for the promotion of the most advanced surgical techniques of Robotics, inaugurating a new era in the country.
This project is a continuation of the Visiting Surgeon Programs (VSP) that have been carried out consistently in recent years at IASO Thessalias, by the Directors of the 1st Orthopedics – Robotic Surgery Clinic, and which host internationally renowned Orthopedic Surgeons who wish to be introduced to Robotic Surgery.
IASO Thessalias is now, indisputably, a center of reference in Robotic Surgery of the Musculoskeletal system, since it is the only nursing institution in the broader area of Central Greece that has a Robotic device. The surgeries are performed exclusively by Mr. Konstantinos G. Makridis and Miltiadis T. Georgousis, offering the healthcare services highest quality to the hospital’s patients.
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