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General Pediatric

IASO General Clinic/IASO Children’s Hospital: Pediatric check-up packages at preferential prices and 60% discount in the health up packages of IASO General Clinic

IASO General Clinic/IASO Children’s Hospital: Pediatric check-up packages at preferential prices and 60% discount in the health up packages of IASO General Clinic

The health of every child is of utmost importance to us

At IASO Children’s Hospital we make sure that children are always lively, happy, full of life and energy! That's the reason we created checkups, which are specially designed for the little protagonists of our lives. At IASO Children’s Hospital, the health of every child is of utmost importance to us!

And as you need to be healthy too in order to take better care of your children, with every checkup you do at IASO Children’s Hospital, you earn a 60% discount in the health up check-up packages at IASO General Clinic.

The check-up packages are the following:

  • Basic package at €65: Eye exam, ECG, triplex ultrasound & cardiac exam
  • Sports checkup at €80: Eye exam, ECG, triplex ultrasound & cardiac exam, skin exam
  • Full ENT checkup at €40: ENT exam, audiometry and tympanometry
  • Body Weight Control & Management €75: assessment by a Pediatrician-Endocrinologist and by a Nutritionist-Dietitian using the BOD POD method & creation of diet plan
  • Spine – Scoliosis checkup €59: clinical examination by a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon (review of the most important characteristics, detailed developmental history and forward bending test) and an imaging screening of the spine with an f&p x-ray
  • Kinetic Analysis of Posture & Gait €40: Biomechanical analysis of plantar support, pedobarography and assessment of pedobarography data

The offer for a 60% discount on any health up package at the IASO General Clinic, is valid for those who schedule and carry out their appointment for the pediatric checkup until Friday, July 1st 2022. Take advantage of this incredible offer at the IASO General Clinic!

Checkups are addressed to children at the age of 5 and over. Please bring your child’s social insurance booklet (EOPYY) with you. The examinations are performed daily by appointment on 210 6383503 & 210 6383070-072 (09:00-17:00).

For more journalistic information: Nancy Christopoulou, IASO Group Commercial & Marketing Department, tel.: 210 6383917, E-mail: [email protected]

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