Offer of 1+1 healthUp CARDIO packages by IASO General Clinic,on the occasion of Valentine’s Day.Love is taking care of yourself & your loved ones!
Οn the occasion of Valentine’s Day, IASO General Clinic, with the motto “Love ...
Do not allow osteoporosis to interfere with your life!
On the occasion of the World Osteoporosis Day, IASO is passing the message “Do not allow osteoporosis to interfere with your life!”, and offers:
A full package of preventing screening tests at the preferential price of 55€, which includes:
or only
Bone Densitometry at the preferential price of 39€.
Women interested may contact the Outpatients Department of IASO at 210 6185229 (Monday to Friday, 08:00 – 15:00) to schedule the appointment until 30th November 2020.
Οn the occasion of Valentine’s Day, IASO General Clinic, with the motto “Love ...
On the occasion of November, Lung Cancer Awareness Month, IASO General Clinic is ...
IASO General Clinic is offering ten healthUp checkups for men in its state-of-the-art Check-up department, through a contest on its Instagram page. IASO General Clinic supports and follows the Movember movement once again. This year, w...