Offer of 1+1 healthUp CARDIO packages by IASO General Clinic,on the occasion of Valentine’s Day.Love is taking care of yourself & your loved ones!
Οn the occasion of Valentine’s Day, IASO General Clinic, with the motto “Love ...
On the occasion of celebrating IASO Group’s 20 years of operation and World Fertility Day, Assisted Reproduction Unit (IVF) “Institute of Life – IASO” runs a contest on Facebook and offers 5 free of charge IVF cycles.
Once more, IASO, the No1 Maternity Clinic in Greece, and “Institute of Life – IASO”, one of the biggest and most advanced Assisted Reproduction Units in Europe, support the starting of a family in practice.
To enter the contest, please visit IASO Group’s page on Facebook. (www.facebook.com/omilosiaso)
Institute of Life – IASO is one of the largest and most advanced Assisted Reproduction Centers (IVF) in Europe and it was established within the premises of IASO, the leading Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic in Greece. In its state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology (RI Witness, Time lapse) is used and all innovative therapies and techniques are applied.
The state-of-the-art embryology laboratory, equipped with the most advanced time lapse embryo monitoring systems and combined with the excellent scientific staff, enable Institute of Life – IASO to provide the best there is in this specialized field of modern Medicine and to ensure high and consistent success rates.
The scientific staff at Institute of Life – IASO is fully committed to the individual needs of every couple by carefully and meticulously opting for the most applicable treatment from the whole range of the assisted reproduction techniques.
For more information: www.iolife.eu
For more press information:
Department of Commercial Management at IASO Group: Ms Christina Korovesi, tel: +30 210 6383955, E-mail: [email protected] & Ms Nancy Christopoulou, tel: +30 210 6383917, E-mail: [email protected]
Οn the occasion of Valentine’s Day, IASO General Clinic, with the motto “Love ...
On the occasion of November, Lung Cancer Awareness Month, IASO General Clinic is ...
IASO General Clinic is offering ten healthUp checkups for men in its state-of-the-art Check-up department, through a contest on its Instagram page. IASO General Clinic supports and follows the Movember movement once again. This year, w...