inactive offer

A unique offer by the Sleep-related Breathing Disorders Laboratory at IASO Children’s Hospital

A unique offer by the Sleep-related Breathing Disorders Laboratory at IASO Children’s Hospital

Prompted by World Sleep Day, 21 March 2015, IASO Children’s Hospital gives you the opportunity to visit a Specialist Pediatrician at the nominal charge of 20 Euros. Our aim is to advocate the parents and raise their awareness on the significance of quality sleep for their children and the possible consequences of snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.

At the Sleep-related Breathing Disorders Laboratory at IASO Children’s Hospital, we examine children who snore, suffer from tonsillar hypertrophy (enlarged tonsils) and/or adenoids and noted sleep apneas. We also perform polygraphic sleep studies to investigate the thoracic and abdominal movements, electroencephalograms, electrocardiograms, oronasal airflow recordings and nocturnal pulse oximetries.

This means that we provide a comprehensive assessment on your child’s breathing pattern during sleep. This assessment is an essential tool in deciding upon surgical approach and always in agreement with the Pediatric-ENT.

The offer stands from 21 to 31 March 2015. To book a consultation, please contact us at +30 210 6383070 – 2 (available on a 24-hour basis) and +30 210 6383917 (09:00-17:00)

For more press information, please contact Ms Nancy Christopoulou, Department of Commercial Management at IASO Group, tel: +30 210 638 3917, E-mail: [email protected]

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