The Honorary Judge of the Supreme Court Ioannis Chamilothoris at IASO

IASO, in the context of the Scientific Program, has the honor and pleasure of hosting the Honorary Judge of the Supreme Court and Chairman of the Society of Judicial Studies, Mr. Ioannis Chamilothoris, who will deliver a speech on the topic "Discussing medical civil liability issues", on Friday, March 10th, 2023, at 12:30 p.m., in IASO Hospital’s Event Hall (37-39 Kifissias Ave., 15123, Maroussi).
Mr. Ioannis Chamilothoris is the Chairman of the Central Mediation Board. He served as Chairman of the law drafting Committee for the reform of the Code of Civil Procedure (Law 4335/2015) and Chairman of the Committee for the preparation and coordination of the Hellenic Presidency in the EU on matters of justice (2014). He was Member and Chairman (from July 2014 to January 2016) of the Central Law Drafting Committee, as well as Chairman of the Hellenic Copyright Organization from October 2016 to April 2018. In addition, he teaches at the National School of Judiciary and has carried out and published several scientific studies on civil, commercial, procedural and European Union law. From March 1998 to March 2000, He served as Chairman of the Three-Member Management Board of the Athens Court of First Instance, while from April 2010 to September 2012 he was the Chairman of the Three-Member Management Board of the Athens Court of Appeal.
You may attend the seminar in person, but also via Live Streaming, through the following link: Admission is free for the public.
For additional information, you may contact 210 6383906 (Athina Antzou – IASO Events & Conferences Department).
For more journalistic information: Nancy Christopoulou, IASO Group Commercial & Marketing Department, tel.: 210 6383917, E-mail: [email protected]