Online Breastfeeding Event on: Let’s Protect Breastfeeding: It’s Up to All of Us

To celebrate the annual Breastfeeding Week, the IASO Nursing Division is hosting an Online Breastfeeding Event on “Let’s Protect Breastfeeding: It’s Up to All of Us” on Wednesday 1 December 2021. The Event is held under the auspices of the Athens Association
of Scientists-Midwives (SEMMA).
Associate Physicians and Midwives from IASO will participate as speakers. The Event aims to showcase how breastfeeding contributes to the survival, health and wellbeing of everyone and why it is imperative
to protect breastfeeding globally.
Welcome speeches will be delivered by Mr. Aristeidis Antsaklis, MD, PhD, FRCOG (Hon.), Professor of Obstetrics/Gynecology, Fetal & Perinatal Medicine at the University of Athens, Director of the IASO Fetal
Medicine Department and Chairman of the IASO Scientific Council, and Ms. Sofia Biti, Midwife and Director of the IASO Nursing Division.
The Event is addressed to healthcare professionals. Participation and attendance are free, provided
attendants have registered in advance. Ms. Sofia Biti, Midwife and Director of the IASO Nursing Division, is the Scientific Director of the event.
To register: Call the Nursing Division Secretariat on: +30 210 618 4155.
For further information: Nancy Christopoulou, Commercial Division, IASO Group, Tel.: (+30) 210 6383917,
Email: [email protected]