IASO and Institute of Life - IASO are paving the way in fertility preservation

IASO and Institute of Life - IASO are paving the way in fertility preservation

IASO are paving the way in fertility preservation:

1) With the birth of a child after surgical treatment of breast cancer, egg freezing and IVF
2) With the removal and preservation of ovarian tissue, breast cancer treatment and successful orthotopic transplantation of ovarian tissue

IASO and IASO – Institute of Life are using the latest and most innovative methods in terms of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. With regard to fertility preservation, outstanding work is being carried out, as scientists of various specialties, such as Breast Surgeons, Obstetrician/Gynecologists, Fertility Specialists and Oncologists from different departments, including the Breast Center, the Oncology Council and the IASO – Institute of Life IVF Unit, work together to offer well-rounded treatment to these cases. In the last few days, two cases were successfully managed.

  1. On Monday 1/11/2021 a mother aged 39 gave birth to a healthy boy, after overcoming breast cancer, having her eggs frozen and getting pregnant through IVF. The patient had undergone surgery in 2018 by Mr. Grigoris Xepapadakis, Director of the IASO 2nd Breast Clinic. After surgery, she underwent fertility preservation treatment at the IASO – Institute of Life IVF Unit by Mr. Iakovos Sousis, Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Fertility Specialist. Mild ovarian stimulation was performed, without delaying cancer treatment and using a special personalized protocol. Several eggs were retrieved for freezing, keeping the estrogen levels low, similar to a natural cycle.
    One and a half years after diagnosis of the disease, and with permission from the Oncology Council, the eggs were thawed and fertilized. Pregnancy was achieved following embryo transfer, which progressed without any complications, leading to the birth of a healthy boy, weighing 2,880 grams.
  2. A groundbreaking orthotopic transplantation of ovarian tissue was performed at IASO on Wednesday 3/11/2021 by Mr. Panagiotis Psathas, Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Fertility Specialist, on a woman who had been diagnosed with breast malignancy. The ovarian tissue had been removed and kept frozen at the IASO – Institute of Life Cryopreservation Bank. After treatment was concluded, the Oncology Council of the 2nd Beast Clinic, headed by Mr. Grigoris Xepapadakis, approved the transplantation of part of the ovary, which was performed laparoscopically. This part had been removed with the aim of fertility preservation, before commencing treatment for the breast malignancy. Part of the cryopreserved ovary was thawed and pathology testing was performed before it was replanted into the woman.

All patients of reproductive age who are diagnosed with breast or other forms of cancer can preserve their fertility by freezing their eggs or ovarian tissue. In the future, after concluding their treatment, and provided they wish so, they can have children.

In the first case, the egg freezing led to the patient holding her son in her arms. In the second case, the orthotopic transplantation of ovarian tissue gives hope to many women diagnosed with cancer to preserve their fertility and experience the joy of having children in the future.

For further information: Nancy Christopoulou, General Commercial Division, IASO Group
(+30) 210 6383917, Email: [email protected]

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