Contest for the new school year!

Contest for the new school year!

IASO Children’s Hospital: Contest for the new school year!

They grow up fast! Make sure they also grow up healthy as well!

With the new school year getting under way, IASO Children’s Hospital runs a Facebook and Instagram Contest offering 20 check-ups.

In order to participate in the draw to obtain IASO Children’s Hospital check-ups and to share the moments you had with your children when they are doing their check-up, visit IASO Children’s Hospital in Facebook ( Beneath the contest’s post, write a comment with the funniest thoughts of your children when they are doing their check-up and tag a friend. Alternatively, in Instagram (, follow IASO Group, comment the craziest thoughts confided to you by your children before each check-up and tag a friend to remind him/ her check-up’s necessity.

On Wednesday, 23/09/2020, 20 lucky participants will win the drawing for 20 check-ups from IASO Children’s Hospital. 10 winners will be drawn from Facebook and 10 from Instagram.

The screening tests offered to the winners to choose, include:

  • Basic Package at €65: Eye exam, ECG, Doppler ultrasound (triplex) & cardiology exam
  • Sports Check-Up at €80: Eye exam, ECG, Doppler ultrasound (triplex) & cardiology exam, dermatology exam
  • Full ENT Check-Up at €40: ENT exam, audiometry and tympanometry
  • Body Weight Control & Management at €75: Consultation with a Pediatrician/Endocrinologist, assessment by a Nutritionist/Dietitian using the BOD POD method & diet plan
  • Spine/Scoliosis Check-Up at €35: Review of the most important traits, detailed developmental history and forward bending test, in cooperation with a Spine & Scoliosis Surgeon
  • Gait & Posture Analysis at €40: Biomechanical analysis of plantar support, pedobarography and assessment of pedobarography data


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