Two-day Seminar titled «Gait Therapy: Assess and Treat»

Two-day Seminar titled «Gait Therapy: Assess and Treat»

FILOKTITIS: Two-day Seminar titled «Gait Therapy: Assess and Treat»

The 2-day Seminar titled “Gait Therapy: Assess and Treat” will take place on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 March 2018, at the Events Hall of FILOKTITIS. The Seminar is organized by Mobility Research Lite Gait Therapy-Kinitro and Kinisi-AbleTools.

Ms Νechama Karman, PT, Msc, PCS is the Guest Speaker. Ms Karman, specializing in pediatric physiotherapy, is in clinical private practice in Great Neck, NY, USA, and holds extensive experience in pediatric and adult rehabilitation cases, including intra- and extra-hospital clinical cases of acute and long-term care.

The Seminar features strategies for the advancement of motor gait training, as well as other evaluation factors for a range of patients with neurological and other motor disorders. Also, several cases covering the adult and pediatric populations shall be presented to help the participants understand the governing principles of gait training. Lastly, examples of therapeutic interventions shall be discussed, along with their interactions, such as facilitations, feedback, and the possibility of sequential operational functions using a variety of instruments, including LiteGait, GaitSens™ and many more.

Upon completion of the Seminar, the participants shall be able to:

  • Develop an understanding of training principles with the use of treadmill
  • Detect and identify the characteristics for an ideal motor training session
  • Identify any obstacles during therapeutic exercises
  • Apply selected instruments during treatment sessions
  • Apply facilitation handlings
  • Apply countable data of treatment results


For more information on the Seminar: Communications Manager: Ms. Alexandra Lepoura, tel: +30 6948620233

For more press information, please contact Ms Nancy Christopoulou, Department of Commercial Management at IASO Group, tel: +30 210 6383917, e-mail: [email protected]

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