Belly Painting at IASO!

IASO: IASO celebrates Mother’s Day with Belly-painting!

IASO celebrated Mother’s Day in the most imaginative way!

Prompted by Mother’s Day on 14/5, IASO successfully held an all-day belly-painting event in cooperation with MAC, one of the leading cosmetic companies in the beauty industry. This ingenious idea was welcomed by more than 70 mothers-to-be who attended the event. In a pleasant and creative atmosphere, all mothers had their bellies painted by highly skilled MAC makeup artists, and furthermore, they had the opportunity to take a number of commemorative photos with their families at IASO’s specially arranged photo booth. Everyone enjoyed the event and indulged themselves with free MAC gifts.


[bt_columns] [bt_column class="bt-column col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6 center"]IASO celebrates Mother’s Day with Belly-painting! [/bt_column] [bt_column class="bt-column col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6 center"]IASO celebrates Mother’s Day with Belly-painting! [/bt_column] [/bt_columns]


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For more press information:
IASO Group’s Department of Commercial Management: Ms Nancy Christopoulou, tel.: +30 210 6502853 & 210 6383917, e-mail: [email protected]

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