ELITOUR participates in the first global Healthcare Travel Forum of the “Global Healthcare Travel Council”

ELITOUR participates in the first global Healthcare Travel Forum of the “Global Healthcare Travel Council”

ELITOUR (Greek Medical Tourism Council) participated in the first global Healthcare Travel Forum of the "Global Healthcare Travel Council", which was held on 25-27 February 2017 at the “Le Royal Hotel” in Amman, Jordan. The theme of the Forum was “Globalization of Medical Tourism”. The well-planned Forum was held under the Royal Patronage of HE King Abdullah II IBN AL Ηussein and was organized by the Jordanian Private Hospitals Association (PHA).

In the context of its extroversion actions, ELITOUR dynamically promoted Greek medical tourism by participating with a trade stand which hosted ELITOUR members: IASO Group, Euromedica Group, Eurodentica and Gamma Air Medical. Furthermore, Dr Antonis Vlachousis (Vice-President of ELITOUR, Vice-President of IASO Group) delivered a speech titled “Greece: A unique medical tourism destination”, and Dr Nikolaos S. Kouvelas (Assistant Professor of Dentistry at the University of Athens, CEO of EuroDentica Specialized Dental Care SA. President of Athens Dental Tourism Cluster) delivered his speech titled: “Dentistry in the context of medical tourism industry”. Overall, 44 speakers and 16 countries participated in the Forum, such as Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey, Canada, Saudi Arabia, etc. The Opening Ceremony was attended by more than 650 participants, including HM Dr Hani Mulk, Prime Minister of Jordan, HRH Princess Ghida Talal, HRH Princess Dina Mired, HE Lina Annab, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Jordan, HE Dr Mahmoud Al-Sheyyab, Jordanian Minister of Health, as well a number of Ministers, Ambassadors and Members of the Parliament.

The 27th of February was dedicated to visiting Hospitals and the Annual Meeting of the Global Healthcare Travel Council General Assembly. During the General Assembly Meeting, Greece was re-elected in Vice-Presidency through ELITOUR, and was namely represented by Dr A. Vlachousis. Dr N. Kouvelas was elected as member of the Training & Accreditation Committee. The 2017-2018 presidency was passed on to Dubai for the organizing of the next global Healthcare Travel Forum.

About GHTC

Global Healthcare Travel Council (GHTC) is the directing and coordinating platform for healthcare within the Global system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global healthcare travel matters, shaping the healthcare research agenda, setting norms, standards and ethics, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing healthcare travel trends.

For more information, please visit the website: http://globalhtc.org/


ELITOUR (Greek Medical Tourism Council) is a non-governmental organization. Its primary aim is to promote Medical Tourism in Greece and co-operate with respective bodies abroad.

Founded by the biggest private healthcare providers in the country, it has created a cluster of reliable, state-of-the-art healthcare units and entities from several industries, such as airlines, insurance companies, travel agencies, facilitators, hotels, advertising companies, business consultants and certification bodies, all covering the whole spectrum of medical tourism throughout Greece.

ELITOUR is a founding member of the Global Healthcare Travel Council


For more press information, please contact:
Ms Christina Korovesi, tel.:+30 210 6383955, E-mail: [email protected]


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