Successful outcome of high-risk pregnancy in female liver transplant recipient

Successful outcome of high-risk pregnancy  in female liver transplant recipient

At IASO, we successfully managed a rare care case of high-risk pregnancy in a 22-year-old female, who had undergone liver transplant at the age of 18 months. The outcome was achieved on Friday 1 July by Obstetrician-Gynecologist Mr. Elias Gatos, associate physician to IASO and Chief of the Assisted Reproduction Unit “EmBIO”. During the 37th gestational week and via C-section, the pregnancy resulted in the live birth of a healthy female newborn weighing 2.4 kg.

The baby was conceived normally but the difficulty of managing the case lies in the fact that the patient had undergone a liver transplant at the age of 18 months due to congenital hepatic duct atresia. The frequency of the disorder is 1:15,000 births and is more common in females (female to male ratio 1.7). 10% of the patients manifest congenital heart diseases.

Dr. Georgios Stamatiou, Chair of IASO Group’s BOD, expressed his contentment with the positive outcome of the case and highlighted the top scientific level of the Clinic. As he stated: “At IASO, it is within our daily medical practice to treat and manage challenging cases through pioneering techniques applied by highly experienced scientists. It is certainly not by chance that IASO ranks 1st among all Maternity Clinics in Greece”.

Mr. Elias Gatos pointed out that the said high-risk pregnancy is added to the leading case for Greece (in 2012) of a woman who had undergone liver transplant in France in 1999 due to hepatic deficiency. The woman gave live birth to twins and inspired hope and optimism to thousands of women who may face serious health problems but still maintain their faith in life.


For more press information, please contact the Department of Commercial Management at IASO Group: Ms Christina Korovesi, tel: +30 210 6383955, E-mail: [email protected] & Ms Nancy Christopoulou, tel: +30 210 6383917, E-mail: [email protected]

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