Kostas Giannopoulos shares his health problem and concerns at IASO General

Kostas Giannopoulos shares his health problem and concerns at IASO General

In a particularly highly charged atmosphere and a packed room full of drawings and wishes from the children raised at the Houses of the NGO “The Smile of the Child”, Mr. Kostas Giannopoulos, Chair of the NGO “The Smile of the Child”, shared his health problem in public, along with his concerns and future plans for the NGO “The Smile of the Child”, at the Press Conference held in the amphitheater of IASO General.

Health editor Ms Alexia Svolou coordinated the press conference and the guests were welcomed by Ms Christina Tampourea, Commercial Manager at IASO Group who, among others, stated: “IASO Group has always been supportive and continues to support all vulnerable groups. We will always stand by their side to offer anything we can to help them continue their highly important work; a work realized under the most difficult and adverse conditions. And we do that, oriented by the consistency, care and love we have for what we hold most dear – for the children, for the “The Smile of the Child”. As far as our patients are concerned, it is our duty to serve them in the best possible way”.

Next, Mr. Kostas Giannopoulos spoke and, deeply moved, warmly thanked IASO Group, headed by the President Mr. Georgios Stamatiou, for the warmth, the promptness and the discretion in which – the entire staff – handled the situation and he stressed that IASO Group consistently supports the ““The Smile of the Child”, by providing free of charge healthcare services to the children supported by the NGO.

Mr. Giannopoulos made a particular reference to his excellent attending physicians, the experience, specialization and interest of whom, never left his side. “What my doctors taught me is that ‘optimism’ is the key ingredient of a treatment regimen and recovery process, and that prevention does save lives. It’s a stereotyped expression, yet so true! I would also like to highlight the team spirit governing their actions. I am much obliged to my excellent attending physicians, IASO General’s outstanding team and namely Mesdames and Messrs Mouchtouris Athanasios, General surgeon, Chief of the 1st Department of Surgery, Alevras Petros, General surgeon, Kortessas Evaggelos, General surgeon, Kotsopoulos Panagiotis, Anesthesiologist, Coordinator of the Committee of the Division of Anesthesiology, Koulouris Petros-Stefanos, Gastroenterologist, Kalopissis Georgios, Cardiologist, Chief of the 3rd Department of Cardiology, Anatoliotakis Nikolaos, Cardilogist, Kyriazopoulos Emmanouil, Cardiologist, Bleta Aliki, Nephrologist, Director of the Dialysis Unit, Trompouki Sophia, Nephrologist, Pilatis Nektarios, Interventional cardiologist, Scientific Director of the Hemodynamic Laboratory, Mpalatsouras Dimitrios, Interventional cardiologist and Karidi Panagiota, Pneumologist.”

Referring the drawings of the children and the thousands of “get-well wishes” he received, he admitted that it was quite a pleasant surprise. “The love I received from the children, my people at the “The Smile of the Child” and thousands of friends, really gave me courage and positive energy and I do believe that it was of significant importance to my good progress”

Mr. Giannopoulos responded to questions asked by the attending journalists regarding his future plans for the “The Smile of the Child”. He said: “I chose to spontaneously and honestly publicize my fears or to put it better, my concerns. Well, as I always do. I felt the need to do it, for the sake of the children growing up in our Houses, for those children we take care of with our actions, for all those people who support our work all these years, for my people, for all the employees. I express my concerns because the “The Smile of the Child”, which has been “established” in the conscience of the people and is honored day by day by their trust and love, has not made it to the state’s conscience. It is neither sheltered nor optimized to the extent it should be and unfortunately, after 21 consecutive years of hard work, it will become undermined to the signature of a Ministerial Decree. I hereby publicly state that I request an immediate meeting with the Prime Minister in order to inform him of our concerns. Finally, I inform you that in view of the forthcoming summer, which seems difficult as always, we are planning a massive mobilization to secure our work”.

Mr. Giannopoulos concluded: “We are strong, and we continue to be optimistic!”

Mr. Mouchtouris Athanasios, General surgeon, Chief of the 1st Department of Surgery at IASO general, Head of the Medical Team, referred to Mr. Giannopoulos’ health problem and the difficulties encountered, and expressed his great satisfaction for Mr. Giannopoulos’ postoperative course and future.

From left to right: Mesdames and Messrs Alexia Svolou, Health editor, Kostas Giannopoulos, Chair of the NGO “The Smile of the Child”, Christina Tampourea, Commercial Manager at IASO Group, Athanasios Mouchtouris, General surgeon, Chief of the 1st Department of Surgery.


For more press information, please contact:
- Ms Nancy Christopoulou, Department of Commercial Management at IASO Group, tel: +30 210 638 3917, E-mail: [email protected]
- Ms Natalie Karakioulafi, Press Office, “The Smile of the Child”, tel.: +30 210 3306140, E-mail: [email protected]

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