Congenital Heart Defects Center – Successful FREE OF CHARGE cardiothoracic surgery in a 13-month-old infant with severe cyanotic congenital heart disease (cCHD) of extreme Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) type

Successful FREE OF CHARGE cardiothoracic surgery in a 13-month-old infant with severe cyanotic congenital heart disease (cCHD) of extreme Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) type

IASO Children’s Hospital and the Congenital Heart Defects Center at IASO Children’s Hospital show their social awareness once more and stand by all those children in need of medical assistance by providing top quality healthcare services. At IASO Children’s Hospital, we ‘listen’ to the heart of each and every child, and driven by our strong sense of responsibility and social contribution, we immediately respond to all needy hearts.

Dr. Georgios Sarris, Chief of the Congenital Heart Defects Center at IASO Children’s Hospital, described the challenging case he faced:

‘During her neonatal period, a 13-month-old young patient was diagnosed with severe cyanotic congenital heart disease of extreme Tetralogy of Fallot type [double outlet right ventricle (DORV) with almost complete pulmonary atresia and severe branch stenoses and hypoplasias]. Despite the advised surgical procedure for the timely repair of the condition, neither was the surgery performed nor was the patient under cardiac monitoring, due to particular family and social issues.

Consequently, the infant resulted in a marginal clinical condition of severe cyanosis and cardiac cachexia. The consultation the family received by several other centers regarded only to palliative treatment as a first stage management and not to a repair surgical procedure. However, this palliative treatment would also require a second cardiothoracic surgery in the future, thusly multiplying the risks for the child’.

Following a thorough clinical assessment, Dr. Sarris determined a single-stage only repair surgery necessary, despite the major technical challenges the strategy involves, to immediately obliterate the cyanosis and minimize the overall risk for the child.

Subsequent to the applicable pre-operative preparation at IASO Children’s Hospital, Dr. Sarris and his team, carried out the overall surgical repair of the congenital heart defect with great success. At the specialized Pediatric Cardiac-surgery Intensive Care Unit at IASO Children’s Hospital, and under the full support and guidance of the Pediatric cardiac-anesthesiologist Specialist, Mr. Chrysanthos Alexopoulos, the patient’s post-operative course was excellent.

Having fully recovered at the well-organized and perfectly equipped Pediatric Cardiac-surgery Clinic, the young patient returned to her everyday activities with a healthy heart.

The gratefulness expressed by the family was very warm. In particular, the little patient’s grandmother stated: ‘When our child was admitted to IASO Children’s Hospital, her chances of surviving were low. Supported by Chief Dr. Georgios Sarris, his team and the entire nursing and administrative staff, but mostly thanks to their love, one month later, we are discharged healthy and strong. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you’ve done for my granddaughter’.


For more Press Info, please contact Ms Nancy Christopoulou at the Commercial Department of IASO Group – IASO Children’s Hospital, tel.:+ 30 210 6383917, E-mail: [email protected]

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