Male Genito-Urethral Plastic Surgery Unit
Surgical Clinics
The Male Genito-Urethral Plastic Surgery Unit of the IASO group of Hospitals was established in Athens in November 2009, and operates exclusively within the private sector IASO and IASO Children’s hospitals.
It is a Plastic Surgery based service specializing in the correction of a wide range of male Genito-Urethral abnormalities. Currently there is no other centre in Greece, whether in the private or in the public sector, that offers this particular spectrum of expertise.
Although initially conceived as a tertiary referral facility for Greek patients, the service has expanded to attract a significant proportion of its clientele from overseas, including patients from Australia, Cyprus, Iraq, Portugal, India, Russia, Libya, New Zealand, Romania, UAE, UK, and the USA.
We treat a wide range of congenital and acquired deformities of the male external genitalia. In addition we reconstruct penile urethral abnormalities and bulbar urethral strictures that are distal to the external sphincter.
We operate on children from around 9 months of age onwards, and all paediatric procedures (eg hypospadias repair and therapeutic circumcisions) are managed at the modern ‘state of the art’ IASO Children’s Hospital.
All adult problems (eg hypospadias salvage, urethroplasties, congenital and acquired penile curvatures, genital lymphoedema, penile cancer, circumcisions, and various procedures for primarily cosmetic considerations) are managed at the IASO Hospital.