2004-currently: Hellenic Football Federation, as a physiotherapist for the national football teams. For the last years, he is exclusively responsible for the Under 21 team (18-21 years)
1991-currently: Center for Child Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
The Center is addressed to patients with neurodevelopmental, neurological and orthopedic disorders, and sports injuries. It runs a Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Pedagogy Department
1981-1991: Hellenic Society for Disabled Children (ELEPAP) as an Occupational Therapist
Sports injuries (Applied Biomechanics of the lower limbs / customized orthotic insoles, Manual Therapy of the spine, sports injuries of the upper and lower limbs, management techniques and use of dry needling)
Halliwick hydrotherapy in a pool
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation with automated external defibrillator
Idiopathic scoliosis using the Schroth method, Certified Therapist, 2021
Νeuro-Developmental Treatment (attended the Bobath NDT seminar in 1994)
Participation in the Bobath baby and Bobath NDT seminars as a teaching assistant, 2004 and 2016