Scientific Lecture on "Minimal invasive oesophagectomy"
A Scientific Lecture on "Minimal invasive oesophagectomy" will take place on F...
A Scientific Lecture on "Minimal invasive oesophagectomy" will take place on F...
A physical and recorded training class on "Selective Growth Restriction in Twin Pregnancy. Assessment – Management" will take place on Tue...
The IASO General Clinic Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is hosting a Hybrid One - day Meeting on "Oxygen and Oxygen Therapy", on Saturday 29th of January 2022, at 12:00 p.m. at the IASO Events Hall.Associate Physicians from the IASO...
A scientific lecture on "Cryopreservation of the sperm. Recommendation or necessity?" will be hosted by IASO on Friday 28 J...
A scientific lecture on "Personalized management of differentiated thyroid cancer. One patient – A multidisciplinary...
A physical and recorded training class on "Ultrasound Assessment of Placenta A...
A Scientific Lecture on “Current therapeutic approaches of uterine fibroids, i...
A Scientific Lecture on "Radiotherapy of endometrial cancer in the era of sent...
A physical and recorded training class on “Skeletal Malformations in Fetuses. ...
A Scientific Lecture on "Orthopaedic problems in pregnancy - The role of exerc...
A Scientific Lecture on “The Role of Medical Accuracy in the Modern Treatment ...