IASO Group:Expansion of cooperation between IASO Group and MetLife

IASO Group:Expansion of cooperation between IASO Group and MetLife
Expansion of cooperation between IASO Group and MetLife

IASO Group significantly expands its cooperation with the Insurance Company “MetLife”, by including IASO, IASO Children’s Hospital and IASO General in the list of MetLife’s Partner Hospitals.

In the context of this expanded cooperation with IASO Group, all MetLife policy holders will be able to enjoy unique benefits as well as high quality healthcare services at IASO Group’s Health Units. IASO Group has top physicians, highly trained nursing staff and cutting-edge technology medical equipment to safely guarantee an exceptional level of healthcare by implementing quality policy according to international standards.

With 147 years of experience worldwide and 50 years of strong presence in Greece, MetLife is a leader in the provision of innovative policies and services in the field of insurance protection and inspires millions of clients all over the world to claim more from their lives.

The above cooperation with IASO Group (IASO Maternity Clinic, IASO Children’s Hospital, IASO General Clinic and IASO Thessalias) is addressed to all MetLife policy holders and provides health and care services within the framework of its ongoing upgrade of the unique benefits and provisions of the Advanced Benefit Club (ABC). For more information, please visit www.metlife.gr (section: Advanced Benefit Club-Privileges).

IASO is located at 37-39, Kifissias Avenue, Maroussi (Call Center: +30 210 61 84 000)

IASO Children’s Hospital is located at 37-39, Kifissias Avenue, Maroussi (Call Center: +30 210 61 83 000)

IASO General is located at 264, Messogeion Avenue, Cholargos (Call Center: +30 210 65 02 000)

IASO Group is one of the largest private Healthcare Groups in Greece, with four ultramodern health units, three in Athens and one in Larissa, and provides am integrated patient-centered healthcare system. IASO Group provides all patients with excellent and constantly improving healthcare services by adopting the most highly sophisticated medical practices worldwide, through continuing training and education of the medical, nursing and administrative staff and by investing in advanced medical equipment.

Due to the implementation of quality policy according to international standards, IASO receives distinctions on an ongoing basis (Best Hospitals Worldwide 2014, Best Hospitals Worldwide 2015, Preferred Partner Hospital 2016) which certify its top quality services.

For more press information, please contact:

Communication Effect for MetLife
Ms Mary Dimopoulou: +30210 6898300
[email protected]

Commercial Management for IASO Group
Ms Nancy Christopoulou: +30 210 6383917
[email protected]

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