Προφιλ ιατρού
- Γενική Κλινική
Εκπαίδευση & Ακαδημαϊκοί Τίτλοι
- 1990: Αποφοίτησε από την Ιωνίδειο Σχολή του Πειραιά
- 1990: Eισήχθη στη Στρατιωτική Σχολή Ιατρικής του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης (Σ.Σ.Α.Σ)
- 1996-2005: Αποφοίτησε και εκπαιδεύτηκε αρχικά στο “401 Γενικό Στρατιωτικό Νοσοκομείο Αθηνών (401 ΓΣΝΑ)” και στη συνέχεια στο Νοσοκομείο “Σωτηρία”
- 2005: Έλαβε τον τίτλο της ειδικότητας της Παθολογίας
- 2009: Mετεκπαιδεύτηκε για ένα έτος στην Κλινική Ηπατολογία στη Μονάδα Ήπατος της Β’ Πανεπιστημιακής Παθολογικής Κλινικής του “Ιπποκράτειου” Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Αθηνών υπό την επίβλεψη του Καθηγητή κ. Παπαθεοδωρίδη
Διδακτορική Διατριβή
2010: Oλοκλήρωσε και το διδακτορικό στην Ηπατολογία του με θέμα “Διαταραχές εγκεφαλικής λειτουργίας σε κιρρωτικούς ασθενείς. Ο ρόλος του ΝΟ στην ηπατική εγκεφαλοπάθεια” στην Ιατρική Σχολή του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών
Επαγγελματική Προϋπηρεσία
- 01/2023 – Σήμερα: Διευθυντής Β' Παθολογικής κλινικής, 401 ΓΣΝΑ
- 07/2016 – 02/2023: Επιμελητής, Α' Παθολογική Κλινική και Ηπατολογικό εξωτερικό ιατρείο, 417 ΝΙΜΤΣ
- 11/2010 – 07/2016: Επιμελητής, Α' Παθολογική Κλινική, 401 ΓΣΝΑ
- 12/2007 – 11/2009: Επιμελητής, Β' Παθολογική Κλινική, 401 ΓΣΝΑ
- 10/2005 – 12/2007: Διευθυντής, Παθολογική Κλινική, 411 ΓΣΝ Τρίπολης
- Από το 2010: Επιστημονικός συνεργάτης στο τακτικό ηπατολογικό ιατρείο της Β’ Πανεπιστημιακής Παθολογικής Κλινικής στο “Ιπποκράτειο” ΓΝΑ
- Από το 2013: Συνεργάτης με το πρόγραμμα "18 ΑΝΩ" (κλειστό πρόγραμμα απεξάρτησης ουσιών) σε θέματα χρόνιας ηπατίτιδας C και B
- Από το 2018: Υπεύθυνος του Ηπατολογικού Ιατρείου του ΟΚΑΝΑ (ΜΑΒΥ) σε θέματα χρόνιας ηπατίτιδας C και B
Κλινικό Ενδιαφέρον
- Κλινική Hπατολογία
- Γενικότερα Θέματα Παθολογίας
Βραβεία & Διακρίσεις
Ποικίλες βραβεύσεις εργασιών σε εγχώρια και διεθνή συνέδρια
Πρόσφατες Δημοσιεύσεις
- Papadopoulos N, Braimakis I, Vasileiadi S, Trifylli E, Galinos I, Drimousi A, Deutsch M. WED-503 Liver stiffness measurement before and after antiviral treatment for hepatitis C: results from an OST-based hepatology service facility. Journal of Hepatology. 2024 June; 80:S690-. doi: 10.1016/S0168-8278(24)01967-6.
- Papatheodoridi M, Sevastianos V, Zachou K, Christodoulou D, Koskinas I, Deutsch M, Alexopoulou A, Elefsiniotis I, Triantos C, Gigi E, Androutsakos T, Karagiannakis D, Mani I, Dimitroulopoulos D, Mela M, Sinakos E, Michopoulos S, Mimidis K, Papadopoulos N, Kontos A, Veteranos C, Lymberopoulos D, Giannoulis G, Papadimitropoulos V, Avramopoulou E, Pantzios S, Vasilieva L, Kranidioti H, Koullias E, Psychos N, Fytili P, Vlachogiannakos I, Cholongitas E, Manolakopoulos S, Goulis I, Dalekos G, Papatheodoridis G. WED-403 HEllenic multicenter ReAl-life CLInical Study for bulevirtide therapy in chronic hepatitis D (HERACLIS_BLV_D). Journal of Hepatology. 2024 June; 80:S798-S799. doi: 10.1016/S0168-8278(24)02213-X.
- Kranidioti H, Anagnostou O, Kontos G, Vasileiadi S, Goulas A, Papadopoulos N, Deutsch M, Manolakopoulos S. THU-398 Metabolic factors predict significant liver fibrosis in people who use drugs (PWUD) and general population with HCV infection. Time to re-consider the follow-up strategy in chronic hepatitis C patients. Journal of Hepatology. 2024 June; 80:S823-S824. doi: 10.1016/S0168-8278(24)02268-2.
- Roussos S, Bagos C, Angelopoulos T, Chaikalis S, Cholongitas E, Savvanis S, Papadopoulos N, Kapatais A, Chounta A, Ioannidou P, Deutsch M, Manolakopoulos S, Sevastianos V, Papageorgiou M, Vlachogiannakos I, Mela M, Elefsiniotis I, Vrakas S, Karagiannakis D, Pliarchopoulou F, Psichogiou M, Paraskevis D, Vickerman P, Malliori M, Kalamitsis G, Papatheodoridis G, Hatzakis A, Sypsa V. Incidence of primary hepatitis C infection among people who inject drugs during 2012–2020 in Athens, Greece. Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 2024 May; 31(8):466-476. doi: 10.1111/jvh.13951.
- Roussos S, Angelopoulos T, Cholongitas E, Savvanis S, Papadopoulos N, Kapatais A, Chounta A, Ioannidou P, Deutsch M, Manolakopoulos S, Sevastianos V, Papageorgiou M, Vlachogiannakos I, Mela M, Elefsiniotis I, Vrakas S, Karagiannakis D, Pliarchopoulou F, Chaikalis S, Tsirogianni E, Psichogiou M, Kalamitsis G, Leobilla F, Paraskevis D, Malliori M, Goulis I, Papatheodoridis G, Hatzakis A, Sypsa V. High levels of all-cause mortality among people who inject drugs from 2018 to 2022. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2024 April; 126:104356-. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104356.
- Trifylli EM, Kriebardis AG, Koustas E, Papadopoulos N, Fortis SP, Tzounakas VL, Anastasiadi AT, Sarantis P, Vasileiadi S, Tsagarakis A, Aloizos G, Manolakopoulos S, Deutsch M. A Current Synopsis of the Emerging Role of Extracellular Vesicles and Micro-RNAs in Pancreatic Cancer: A Forward-Looking Plan for Diagnosis and Treatment. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Mar 17;25(6). doi: 10.3390/ijms25063406. Review. PubMed PMID: 38542378; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10969997.
- Papadopoulos N, Trifylli E. Editorial on “Exosome-mediated transfer of circRNA563 promoting hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting the microRNA148a-3p/metal-regulatory transcription factor-1 pathway”. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2024-3-; 30(9):994-998. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v30.i9.994.
- Trifylli E, Kriebardis A, Koustas E, Papadopoulos N, Vasileiadi S, Fortis S, Tzounakas V, Anastasiadi A, Sarantis P, Papageorgiou E, Tsagarakis A, Aloizos G, Manolakopoulos S, Deutsch M. The Arising Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Cholangiocarcinoma: A Rundown of the Current Knowledge Regarding Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 October; 24(21):15563-. doi: 10.3390/ijms242115563.
- Braimakis I, Vasileiadi S, Trifylli E, Papadopoulos N, Deutsch M. Can Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Reactivation Result from a Mild COVID-19 Infection?. Livers. 2023 July; 3(3):347-353. doi: 10.3390/livers3030026.
- Papatheodoridis G, Mimidis K, Manolakopoulos S, Triantos C, Vlachogiannakos I, Veretanos C, Deutsch M, Karatapanis S, Goulis I, Elefsiniotis I, Cholongitas E, Sevastianos V, Christodoulou D, Samonakis D, Manesis E, Kapatais A, Papadopoulos N, Ioannidou P, Germanidis G, Giannoulis G, Lakiotaki D, Kogias D, Kranidioti Η , Zisimopoulos K, Mela M, Kontos G, Fytili P, Manolaka C, Agorastou P, Pantzios S, Papatheodoridi M, Karagiannakis D, Geladari E, Psychos N, Zachou K, Chalkidou A, Spanoudaki A, Thomopoulos K, Dalekos G. <scp>HERACLIS‐HDV</scp> cohort for the factors of underdiagnosis and prevalence of hepatitis D virus infection in <scp>HBsAg</scp> ‐positive patients. Liver International. 2023 June; 43(9):1879-1889. doi: 10.1111/liv.15638.
- EJCRIM E. Abstract book of the 21st ECIM Congress. European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine. 2023 May; :-. doi: 10.12890/2023_V10Sup1.
- Koustas E, Trifylli EM, Sarantis P, Papadopoulos N, Papanikolopoulos K, Aloizos G, Damaskos C, Garmpis N, Garmpi A, Matthaios D, Karamouzis MV. An Insight into the Arising Role of MicroRNAs in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Future Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Apr 12;24(8). doi: 10.3390/ijms24087168. Review. PubMed PMID: 37108330; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10138911.
- Koustas E, Trifylli E, Sarantis P, Papadopoulos N, Papanikolopoulos K, Aloizos G, Damaskos C, Garmpis N, Garmpi A, Matthaios D, Karamouzis M. Exploiting Autophagy-Dependent Neoantigen Presentation in Tumor Microenvironment. Genes. 2023 February; 14(2):474-. doi: 10.3390/genes14020474.
- Karapedi E, Papadopoulos N, Trifylli EM, Koustas E, Deutsch M, Aloizos G. Anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation and liver cirrhosis. Ann Gastroenterol. 2022 Nov-Dec;35(6):557-567. doi: 10.20524/aog.2022.0745. Epub 2022 Oct 3. Review. PubMed PMID: 36406965; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9648530.
- Papadopoulos N, Tsibouris P, Braimakis I, Apostolopoulos P. Bulevirtide plus Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Improves Liver Function in HDV/HBV Related Cirrhosis after Virological Response: A Case Report. Gastrointestinal Disorders. 2022 October; 4(4):277-281. doi: 10.3390/gidisord4040026.
- Koustas E, Trifylli E, Sarantis P, Papadopoulos N, Papanikolopoulos K, Aloizos G, Damaskos C, Garmpis N, Garmpi A, Karamouzis M. The Emerging Role of MicroRNAs and Autophagy Mechanism in Pancreatic Cancer Progression: Future Therapeutic Approaches. Genes. 2022 October; 13(10):1868-. doi: 10.3390/genes13101868.
- Trifylli E, Kriebardis A, Koustas E, Papadopoulos N, Deutsch M, Aloizos G, Fortis S, Papageorgiou E, Tsagarakis A, Manolakopoulos S. The Emerging Role of Extracellular Vesicles and Autophagy Machinery in NASH—Future Horizons in NASH Management. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 October; 23(20):12185-. doi: 10.3390/ijms232012185.
- Rousssos S, Angelopoulos T, Cholongitas E, Savvanis S, Papadopoulos N, Kapatais A, Hounta A, Ioannidou P, Deutsch M, Manolakopoulos S, Sevastianos V, Papageorgiou M, Vlachogiannakos I, Mela M, Elefsiniotis I, Vrakas S, Karagiannakis D, Pliarchopoulou F, Chaikalis S, Tsirogianni E, Psichogiou M, Kalamitsis G, Leobilla F, Paraskevis D, Malliori M, Goulis I, Papatheodoridis G, Hatzakis A, Sypsa V. High levels of all-cause mortality among people who inject drugs in Greece in 2018–2022. [preprint]. 2022 October. doi: 10.1101/2022.10.07.22280788.
- Spanoudaki A, Papadopoulos N, Trifylli E, Koustas E, Vasileiadi S, Deutsch M. Hepatitis C Virus Infections in Patients with Hemophilia: Links, Risks and Management. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. 2022 October; Volume 15:2301-2309. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S363177.
- Koustas E, Trifylli E, Sarantis P, Papadopoulos N, Aloizos G, Tsagarakis A, Damaskos C, Garmpis N, Garmpi A, Papavassiliou A, Karamouzis M. Implication of gut microbiome in immunotherapy for colorectal cancer. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology. 2022-9-; 14(9):1665-1674. doi: 10.4251/wjgo.v14.i9.1665.
- Koustas E, Trifylli E, Sarantis P, Papadopoulos N, Karapedi E, Aloizos G, Damaskos C, Garmpis N, Garmpi A, Papavassiliou K, Karamouzis M, Papavassiliou A. Immunotherapy as a Therapeutic Strategy for Gastrointestinal Cancer—Current Treatment Options and Future Perspectives. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 June; 23(12):6664-. doi: 10.3390/ijms23126664.
- Trifylli EM, Koustas E, Papadopoulos N, Sarantis P, Aloizos G, Damaskos C, Garmpis N, Garmpi A, Karamouzis MV. An Insight into the Novel Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapeutic Strategies for Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Cholangiocarcinoma. Life (Basel). 2022 Apr 30;12(5). doi: 10.3390/life12050665. Review. PubMed PMID: 35629333; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9146702.
- Papadopoulos N, Gkavogiannakis N, Panagakou S, Papadatos G, Panagoulis E, Deutsch M, Liaskonis K, German V. Prevalence of Hepatitis B Serum Markers in Young Military Recruits in Greece: A Comparison Study between 2005 and 2019 Cohorts. Livers. 2021 November; 1(4):230-235. doi: 10.3390/livers1040018.
- Georgiou A, Yannakoulia M, Papatheodoridis G, Deutsch M, Alexopoulou A, Vlachogiannakos J, Ioannidou P, Papageorgiou M, Voulgaris T, Papadopoulos N, Tsibouris P, Kontogianni M. Assessment of dietary habits and the adequacy of dietary intake of patients with cirrhosis-the KIRRHOS study. Clinical Nutrition. 2021 June; 40(6):3992-3998. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2021.04.044.
- Papadopoulos N, Koskinas J. Hepatocellular carcinoma in transfusion dependent thalassemia patients: a review from a clinical perspective. Hepatoma Research. 2021; :-. doi: 10.20517/2394-5079.2021.118.
- Emerging Therapies in Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC). A Comprehensive Review of the Current Trials. EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System (ECGDS). 2021 October.
- Manolakopoulos S, Striki A, Papastergiou V, Perlepe N, Zisimopoulos K, Papazoglou A, Deutsch M, Papadopoulos N, Triantos C, Goulis J, Papatheodoridis G. Persistence and adherence to nucleos(t)ide analogues in chronic hepatitis B: a multicenter cohort study. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2020 May; 32(5):635-641. doi: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000001558.
- Papadopoulos N, Kountouras D, Malagari K, Tampaki M, Theochari M, Koskinas J. Characteristics and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in multi-transfused patients with thalassemia major. Experience of a single tertiary center. Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases. 2020 February; 12(1):e2020013-. doi: 10.4084/mjhid.2020.013.
- Papadopoulos N, Vasileiadi S, Deutsch M. COVID-19 and liver injury: where do we stand? Ann Gastroenterol. 2020 Sep-Oct;33(5):459-464. doi: 10.20524/aog.2020.0522.
- An OST (opiate substitution therapy)-based hepatology service facility (OHSF) with access to chronic hepatitis C treatment: the example of an one stop shop as a practical step towards HCV elimination in patients who use drugs (PWUD). 2020 August.
- Papadopoulos, N., Flouda, S., Sveroni, E., Tatarida, P.M.C., German, V.. Efficacy and safety of glecaprevir/pibrentasvir in the treatment of mixed cryo-globulinemia due to chronic hepatitis c cirrhosis in a patient with chronic kidney disease. Hippokratia. 2020; 23(1):30-32.
- Georgiou A, Papatheodoridis G, Alexopoulou A, Deutsch M, Vlachogiannakos I, Ioannidou P, Papageorgiou M, Papadopoulos N, Tsibouris P, Prapa A, Yannakoulia M, Kontogianni M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of eight screening tools in detecting risk of malnutrition in cirrhotic patients: the KIRRHOS study. British Journal of Nutrition. 2019 November; 122(12):1368-1376. doi: 10.1017/S0007114519002277.
- Posters (Abstracts 289–2348). Hepatology. 2019 October; 70(S1):188-1382. doi: 10.1002/hep.30941.
- Papadopoulos N, Vasileiadi S, Papavdi M, Sveroni E, Antonakaki P, Dellaporta E, Koutli E, Michalea S, Manolakopoulos S, Koskinas J, Deutsch M. Liver fibrosis staging with combination of APRI and FIB-4 scoring systems in chronic hepatitis C as an alternative to transient elastography. Ann Gastroenterol. 2019 Sep-Oct;32(5):498-503. doi: 10.20524/aog.2019.0406. Epub 2019 Jul 22. PubMed PMID: 31474797; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6686098.
- Papadopoulos N, Vasileiadi S, Michalea S, Antonakaki P, Papavdi M, Dellaporta E, Koullias E, Koutli E, Manolakopoulos S, Koskinas I, Deutsch M. THU-073-The use of APRI and FIB-4 scores versus transient elastography for the assessment of liver fibrosis stage in patients with chronic hepatitis C: Is it possible to reduce the need for elastography?. Journal of Hepatology. 2019 April; 70(1):e191-. doi: 10.1016/S0618-8278(19)30354-8.
- Georgiou A, Papatheodoridis G, Alexopoulou A, Deutsch M, Vlachogiannakos I, Ioannidou P, Papageorgiou M, Papadopoulos N, Tsibouris P, Papavdi M, Yannakoulia M, Kontogianni M. SAT-037-Applying the new nutritional screening and assessment algorithm to estimate malnutrition prevalence in Greek cirrhotic patients as suggested by the 2018 EASL nutritional guidelines for chronic liver disease. Journal of Hepatology. 2019 April; 70(1):e642-e643. doi: 10.1016/S0618-8278(19)31279-4.
- Georgiou A. Validation of cutoffs for skeletal muscle mass index based on computed tomography analysis against dual energy X-ray absorptiometry in patients with cirrhosis: the KIRRHOS study. Annals of Gastroenterology. 2019; :-. doi: 10.20524/aog.2019.0432.
- Papadopoulos N, Flouda S, Sveroni E, Tatarida Palla MC, German V. Efficacy and safety of Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir in the treatment of mixed cryo-globulinemia due to chronic hepatitis C cirrhosis in a patient with chronic kidney disease. Hippokratia. 2019 Jan-Mar;23(1):30-32. PubMed PMID: 32256037; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7124875.
- High Efficacy of Recommended Regimens in HCV Genotype 4 Advanced Disease. EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System. 2019 May.
- Georgiou A, Prapa A, Papatheodoridis G, Deutsch M, Alexopoulou A, Vlachogiannakos J, Ioannidou P, Papageorgiou M, Papadopoulos N, Karagiannakis D, Papavdi M, Poulia K, Kontogianni M. Prevalence of malnutrition in a sample of cirrhotic patients. Clinical Nutrition. 2018 September; 37:S63-S64. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.06.1267.
- Georgiou A, Papatheodoridis G, Deutsch M, Alexopoulou A, Vlachogiannakos J, Ioannidou P, Papageorgiou M, Papadopoulos N, Karagiannakis D, Papavdi M, Prapa A, Poulia K, Kontogianni M. Evaluation of two nutrition screening tools in predicting malnutrition, sarcopenia and one-year survival In cirrhotic patients. Clinical Nutrition. 2018 September; 37:S64-. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.06.1268.
- Katsagoni C, Papatheodoridis G, Ioannidou P, Deutsch M, Alexopoulou A, Papadopoulos N, Papageorgiou M, Fragopoulou E, Kontogianni M. Improvements in clinical characteristics of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, after an intervention based on the Mediterranean lifestyle: a randomised controlled clinical trial. British Journal of Nutrition. 2018 June; 120(2):164-175. doi: 10.1017/S000711451800137X.
- Papadopoulos N, Papavdi M, Pavlidou A, Konstantinou D, Kranidioti H, Kontos G, Koskinas J, Papatheodoridis GV, Manolakopoulos S, Deutsch M. Hepatitis B and C coinfection in a real-life setting: viral interactions and treatment issues. Ann Gastroenterol. 2018 May-Jun;31(3):365-370. doi: 10.20524/aog.2018.0255. Epub 2018 Mar 28. PubMed PMID: 29720863; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5924860.
- Papadopoulos N, Griveas I, Sveroni E, Argiana V, Kalliaropoulos A, Martinez-Gonzalez B, Deutsch M. HCV viraemia in anti-HCV-negative haemodialysis patients: Do we need HCV RNA detection test?. Int J Artif Organs. 2018 Mar;41(3):168-170. doi: 10.1177/0391398817752326. Epub 2018 Feb 13. PubMed PMID: 29546809.
- Papadopoulos N, Argiana V, Deutsch M. Hepatitis C infection in patients with hereditary bleeding disorders: epidemiology, natural history, and management. Ann Gastroenterol. 2018 Jan-Feb;31(1):35-41. doi: 10.20524/aog.2017.0204. Epub 2017 Oct 26. Review. PubMed PMID: 29333065; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5759611.
- Papadopoulos N. Hepatitis B and C coinfection in a real-life setting: viral interactions and treatment issues. Annals of Gastroenterology. 2018; :-. doi: 10.20524/aog.2018.0255.
- Posters (Abstracts 264–2239). Hepatology. 2017 October; 66(S1):149-1185. doi: 10.1002/hep.29501.
- Katsagoni CN, Georgoulis M, Papatheodoridis GV, Fragopoulou E, Ioannidou P, Papageorgiou M, Alexopoulou A, Papadopoulos N, Deutsch M, Kontogianni MD. Associations Between Lifestyle Characteristics and the Presence of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Case-Control Study. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2017 Mar;15(2):72-79. doi: 10.1089/met.2016.0105. Epub 2016 Nov 21. PubMed PMID: 27869531.
- Katsagoni C, Papatheodoridis G, Papageorgiou M, Ioannidou P, Deutsch M, Alexopoulou A, Papadopoulos N, Fragopoulou E, Kontogianni M. A “healthy diet–optimal sleep” lifestyle pattern is inversely associated with liver stiffness and insulin resistance in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2017 March; 42(3):250-256. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2016-0492.
- Papadopoulos N, Deutsch M, Manolakopoulos S, Bitsi C, Michalakeas H, Poulakidas H, Tsironi E, Giannouli S, Papatheodoridis G, Koskinas J, Pectasides D. Efficacy of prophylactic antiviral therapy and outcomes in HBsAg-negative, anti-HBc-positive patients receiving chemotherapy: a real-life experience. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2017 January; 29(1):56-60. doi: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000000749.
- Gkamprela E, Papadimitropoulos V, Papadopoulos N, Deutsch M. Multifocal splenic abscesses in immunocompetent adult due to cat-scratch disease. Hippokratia. 2016 Oct-Dec;20(4):306-308. PubMed PMID: 29416305; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5788231.
- Papadopoulos N, Deutsch M, Georgalas A, Poulakidas H, Karnesis L. Simeprevir and Sofosbuvir Combination Treatment in a Patient with HCV Cirrhosis and HbS Beta 0-Thalassemia: Efficacy and Safety despite Baseline Hyperbilirubinemia. Case Reports in Hematology. 2016; 2016:1-4. doi: 10.1155/2016/7635128.
- Deutsch M, Manolakopoulos S, Papadopoulos N, Tsironi E, Solomou A, Skondra M, Giannouli S, Theochari M, Papatheodoridis G, Pectasides D, Koskinas J. Mo1030 Efficacy of Antiviral Therapy in Reactivation Prophylaxis in Patients With Hepatitis B (HBV) Infection Treated With Different Immunosuppressive Agents. Gastroenterology. 2015 April; 148(4):S-1068-. doi: 10.1016/S0016-5085(15)33649-0.
- Papadopoulos N, Manolakopoulos S, Deutsch M, Mela M, Christidou A, Katoglou A, Tzourmakliotis D, Papatheodoridis GV. Frequency and predictors of no treatment in anti-hepatitis C virus-positive patients at tertiary liver centers in Greece. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013 May;25(5):587-93. doi: 10.1097/MEG.0b013e32835cb5c0. PubMed PMID: 23426269.
- Alexopoulou A, Papadopoulos N, Eliopoulos D, Alexaki A, Tsiriga A, Toutouza M, Pectasides D. Increasing frequency of gram‐positive cocci and gram‐negative multidrug‐resistant bacteria in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Liver International. 2013 March; 33(7):975-981. doi: 10.1111/liv.12152.
- Deutsch M, Papadopoulos N, Hadziyannis E, Koskinas J. Clinical characteristics, spontaneous clearance and treatment outcome of acute hepatitis C: A single tertiary center experience. Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology. 2013; 19(2):81-. doi: 10.4103/1319-3767.108479.
- Papadopoulos N, Vagia M, Kalambalikis L, Tzamalis P. The Role of Oseltamivir in Influenzalike Illness (ILI). Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice. 2012 September; 20(5):312-314. doi: 10.1097/IPC.0b013e3182611423.
- Papadopoulos N, Manolakopoulos S, Deutsch M, Mela M, Christidou A, Katoglou A, Tzourmakliotis D, Papatheodoridis G. 459 FREQUENCY AND PREDICTORS OF NO TREATMENT IN ANTI-HCV POSITIVE PATIENTS AT TERTIARY LIVER CENTERS. Journal of Hepatology. 2011 March; 54:S187-. doi: 10.1016/S0168-8278(11)60461-3.
- Deutsch M, Papadopoulos N, Manolakopoulos S, Hatziyanni E, Vassilopoulos D. Fatal hepatitis B virus reactivation due to a lamivudine mutant despite undetectable initial viral load. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011 Jan;23(1):109. doi: 10.1097/MEG.0b013e32834124c4. PubMed PMID: 21139472.
- Papadopoulos N, Soultati A, Goritsas C, Lazaropoulou C, Achimastos A, Adamopoulos A, Dourakis S. Nitric Oxide, Ammonia, and CRP Levels in Cirrhotic Patients With Hepatic Encephalopathy. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 2010 November; 44(10):713-719. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0b013e3181d47f71.
- German V, Papadopoulos N, Diakalis C, Goritsas C, Ferti A. Paravertebral abscess and neurological deficits in cervical brucellar spondylitis. East Mediterr Health J. 2010 Apr;16(4):448-50. PubMed PMID: 20795433.
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- Goritsas C, Papadopoulos N, Trigidou R, Tzathas H. Primary sclerosing cholangitis lesions in a patient with Crohn's disease and HCV infection. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2007 Jun;16(2):222-3. PubMed PMID: 17592575.
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- Coexistence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor: A Case Report. The Internet Journal of Internal Medicine. 2004; 4(2):-. doi: 10.5580/176f.
Μέλος Εταιριών, Συντακτικής Επιτροπής Περιοδικών
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