We would like to inform you that the Scientific Lecture of IASO on "The value of special istopathological examination: Miscarriages - Subfertility" will take place on Friday, March 11th 2022 at 12:30 p.m., both via live streaming and attendance in person at IASO Events Hall. The speaker will be Ms. Christina Alafaki Tzannatou, MD, Perinatal Pathologist, Head of IASO Perinatal Pathology and Recurrent Miscarriages Departments of the Maternity – Gynecology Clinic. Mr. Themis Mantzavinos, Associate Professor of Obstetrics / Gynecology at the University of Athens, Scientific Director of the IVF Unit “Institute of Life - IASO", President of the Hellenic Society of Physicians of Assisted Reproduction, will serve as moderator.