4th Scientific Symposium on Assisted Reproduction entitled “IVF 47 years later”
We would like to inform you that the Scientific non-profit Society "Conception of Life", in collaboration with "Institute of Life – IASO" and IASO Hospital, is organizing the 4th Scientific Symposium on Assisted Reproduction entitled "IVF 47 Years Later", from Thursday, March 6th, to Saturday, March 8th, 2025, at the International Conference Centre at Megaron, the Athens Concert Hall.
The Chairs of the Organizing Committee are Mr. Konstantinos Kostaras, Obstetrician – Gynecologist, Fertility Specialist, PhD Holder, University of Athens (NKUA), and Mr. Panagiotis Psathas, Obstetrician – Gynecologist, Chairman, Institute of Life – IASO. The Chair of the Scientific Committee is Mr. Themis Mantzavinos, Associate Professor of Obstetrics – Gynecology, University of Athens (NKUA), Scientific Director, Institute of Life – IASO, President, Hellenic Society of Physicians of Assisted Reproduction (ELEIYA).
Reputable scientists, internationally renowned researchers both from Greece and abroad, and experienced executives of Assisted Reproduction Units will focus on and discuss new research programs, developments and new methods that are particularly applied in Embryology Laboratories.
Registration for attending the symposium is free of charge and those interested may submit their details at the following link: https://client.bluetree.events/47years_IVF/login
For further information, you may call 210 6074200 (Secretariat of the Symposium - MD Congress).
You may view the Scientific Program here.
25 FebruaryMaternity - Gynecology Scientific Meeting of the IVF Unit "Institute of Life - IASO"