18 November

IASO: 2nd Seminar on the topic: “Postpartum Hemorrhage - Placenta Accreta Spectrum: Management and Treatment Step by Step”

IASO: 2nd Seminar on the topic: “Postpartum Hemorrhage - Placenta Accreta Spectrum: Management and Treatment Step by Step”

The 2nd Seminar on the topic: “Postpartum Hemorrhage - Placenta Accreta Spectrum: Management and Treatment Step by Step”, will be held on Saturday, November 18, 2023, at 8:30 a.m., at IASO Hospital’s Event Hall.

The seminar is organized by the Hellenic College Research of Uterus – Placenta, having Mr. Stavros Fotopoulos, IASO Operating and Delivery Room Coordinator, Director of the IASO Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) Treatment Department, as moderator.

The Seminar is addressed to all Obstetricians - Gynecologists, Specialists and Residents, as well as to all Health Professionals involved in the delivery process. Its goal is to provide them with the necessary knowledge and tools in order to identify and treat Postpartum Hemorrhage and PAS.

The seminar’s theoretical section includes speeches and interactive attendance of PAS surgeries, while during the practical section, the opportunity to train in techniques of Hemorrhage identification and control is provided, with training in Hemostatic B-Lynch Sutures and Bakri Balloon placement. As part of the Hands-On workshop, the participants will be given the chance to watch recorded operations on PAS cases in small groups, along with simultaneous commentary and discussion with Mr. Stavros Fotopoulos.

The experienced speakers will approach the subject from the viewpoint of imaging and early diagnosis of PAS cases, starting from Clinical daily practice through the identification of potential cases and reaching the treatment stage in the Operating Room or the Delivery Room.

You may attend the seminar in person.

In order to register, you may submit your information at the following link: https://bit.ly/3ZNlmEi

For further information, you may contact us at 210 6074200 (Event’s Secretariat / MD Congress Company) or at 210 6383906 (Athina Antzou - IASO Events & Conferences Coordinator ).

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