29 September 29 - 30/09/23


2<sup>nd</sup> 3D/4D VISUS COURSE

We would like to inform you that the 2nd 3D/4D VISUS Course will take place on Friday, September 29, 2023 and Saturday, September 30, 2023, at 08:50, at the IASO Event Hall and at IASO’s Maternal-Fetal and Perinatal Medicine Department.

The VISUS COURSE is one of the most well-known theoretical and practical training seminars in 3D/4D Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, on a global scale. The purpose of the VISUS COURSE is to cover the latest developments in Ultrasonography and provide training on the latest ultrasound techniques (mainly three-dimensional and four-dimensional ultrasound - 3D/4D).

The seminar is organized by IASO’s Maternal-Fetal and Perinatal Medicine Department, having as Director Professor Aristeidis Antsaklis, MD, PhD, FRCOG (Hon.), Professor of Obstetrics / Gynecology, Maternal-Fetal & Perinatal Medicine at the University of Athens (NKUA), Director of IASO’s Maternal-Fetal and Perinatal Medicine Department, Chairman of IASO’s Scientific Council, and the Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Ultrasound Department of the 1st Obstetrics & Gynecology Clinic of the University of Athens (NKUA) - "Alexandra" Hospital, having Mr. Georgios Daskalakis, Professor of Obstetrics - Gynecology, Maternal-Fetal and Perinatal Medicine at NKUA, President of the Hellenic Society of Perinatal Medicine, Member of the Scientific Board of UENPS (Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies).

The seminar’s Scientific Director is Mr. Panagiotis Antsaklis, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics – Gynecology at the University of Athens, Fetal Medicine Specialist, Associate of IASO’s Maternal-Fetal and Perinatal Medicine Department.

For the seminar’s requirements, in addition to the distinguished Greek speakers, specialized doctors in the field of Maternal-Fetal Medicine from Europe will participate, as well as special technical consultants.

The seminar is addressed to a limited number of participants, as it includes theoretical and practical training.

You may find information on your registration here.

For further information, you may contact us at 210 6074200 (Seminar’s Secretariat/MD Congress Company) or 210 6383906 (Athina Antzou – Head of IASO Group’s Events & Conferences).

View the seminar’s program here.

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    Maternity - Gynecology Scientific Meeting of the IVF Unit "Institute of Life - IASO"
  • 23 September
    Maternity - Gynecology IASO: Robotic Surgery in Gynecology Workshop

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10 May

IASO: "1st Urogynaecology Meet the Experts Symposium"

14 March


11 March

Training Course of IASO’s Maternal - Fetal and Perinatal Medicine Department

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