13 May

IASO Children’s Hospital 1st One-Day Seminar for Parents, on the topic “The First Year: Everything you need to know”

IASO Children’s Hospital 1st One-Day Seminar for Parents, on the topic “The First Year: Everything you need to know”

IASO Children’s Hospital 1st One-Day Seminar for Parents, on the topic “The First Year: Everything you need to know”, will take place on Saturday, May 13th, 2023, at 09:15 a.m., at IASO Hospital’s Event Hall.

The Seminar is organized by the 2nd Pediatrics Clinic of IASO Children’s Hospital and it is addressed to parents, who wish to answer the queries that go hand in hand with raising their infant, by listening and asking questions to leading scientists in the field of pediatrics. 

The aim of the Seminar is to discuss and clarify issues which concern parents in a straightforward manner, and, above all, without any misinformation. 

The Scientific Director of the Seminar is Ms. Aikaterini Agrafiotou, Director of the 2nd Pediatrics Clinic of IASO Children’s Hospital. 

The participation and attendance are free of charge and the participants may watch it in person or via the IASO Group website at a later time. 

For any additional information, you may contact us at 210 6383906 (Athina Antzou –IASO Events & Conferences Department).

You may view the Scientific Program of the One-Day Seminar here.

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