6th Educational Seminar on Diagnostic and Invasive Hysteroscopy
We would like to inform you that the "6th Educational Seminar on Diagnostic and Invasive Hysteroscopy", will take place on May 19th - 20th 2022, at the IASO Events Hall, in the context of the Scientific Program organized by IASO and the 2nd Obstetrics - Gynecology Clinic of the University Hospital of Athens "Aretaieio", having Mr. Nikolaos Vlahos, MD, FACOG, Professor of Obstetrics / Genecology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), as Director
During the Educational Seminar, LIVE surgeries will be carried out and there will be participation in the training (limited places available).
See the Seminar’s Preliminary Program and information in regard to your registration here: https://mdcongress.gr/event/6o-ysteroskopisis-22/
For any additional information or clarification needed, you may contact the secretariat (MD Congress Company, Phone number: 6987228684).