10th Hybrid Scientific One - Day Meeting of IASO Children’s Hospital on "Contemporary Pediatric Issues".
The 10th Hybrid Scientific One - Day Meeting of IASO Children’s Hospital on the topic "Contemporary Pediatric Issues", will take place on Saturday, April 16th 2022, at 09:00 a.m., at the IASO Events Hall.
Distinguished scientists from the full range of pediatric specialties and subspecialties will present interesting and current topics, as well as the new methods applied nowadays in pediatric science and practice
The attendance of the Meeting will be feasible in person, by showing your Vaccination Certificate, but also via Live Streaming.
Regarding the Meeting’s online attendance, you may connect to the following link: https://avolution.nowlive.events/
The One - Day Meeting is realized under the aegis of the Hellenic Pediatric Academy.
For further information, you may contact us at 210 8228950 (Meeting’s Secretariat, SCL First Events Congress & Travel / Mr. Konstantinos Lagos) or at 210 6383906 (Polina Valassi - Events & Conferences Coordinator of IASO).